PART 12 🔪🔪🔪

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Lisa's POV

"Jimin?" I asked

I saw him smirking

"Are you not going to welcome your future fiance?" he asked

I walked up to him and tugged at his collar and said:

"Future fiance? NEVER" I said

Then I remembered his parents standing at both sides of him... I quickly greeted them

"Umm,  Welcome to the Sylvin Castle Your Majesties" I said and bowed

Then BamBam went to Jimin

"Hyung! How are you?" BamBam asked Jimin

I looked at the two of them

"You two know e-each o-other?" I asked in disbelief

"Yes" BamBam said

Then he moved to me and held my shoulders

"Your majesties I am truly sorry for my misbehaved sisters here" BamBam said sassily

I just had to control myself hurting BamBam

"Oh, don't worry I think your sister is actually cute. Oh and just call us eommoni and abeoji. And for you Lisa, just call us eomma and appa" Jimin's Mom told us

"Well we should get going to the dining table now eomma" I told her

Whem we went to the table we started eating when Jimin's dad and my dad asked me and Jimin something

"Do you know each other?"

" How have you two been doing?" They asked us

"Well Lisa and I kissed a while ago" Jimin stated


To be continued

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