Part 41 (Mom Saw It!)

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Lisa's POV

While we were kissing...

"Kids, are you al---.Oh..." Mom said

I pushed myself away from him

"Mom! Uhh...It's not what it looks like!" I told her but her face shows her that she doesn't believe it

"Oh,it's fine. You don't have to hide it from me. Just remember to use protection!" Mom said and went out

Jimin and I were left in an akward situation..


"We should probably fix this and get back to our rooms" I said to break the akward tension building inside the game room.

"Yeah,we should"


Soooooooo...... Sorry for short update :)

😍❤❤❤😍😘😘😘😁😘😘😘😘😘❤❤ 😘 😘  ❤❤


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