Part 39 (Who Was It?)

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Lisa's POV

When Jimin woke up and we finished our 'fighting' session.That's how I think of it.We went to the meeting room and sent the guards of the palace.That's when we knew that they were shot with an arrow that the tip of it has a sleeping potion that only lasts for five minutes.Which brings us to the clue that she is fast and she knows archery

"Lisa,who do you think is the suspect?" My dad asked

"I don't know dad,it couldn't be one of the maids or the workers because I haven't seen them when we were running" I explained my situation

"I never heard anything even if I have mind reding powers. I don't remember anyone that was also there excluding Lisa" Jimin explained

"Baekhyun, tell the investigation team to investigate about that mysterious person" My dad commanded Baekhyun

"I'll tell them right away sir" Baekhyun then bowed and left

'Who could it be?...' I asked in my mind

'Only one way to find out Lisa' Jimin then intruded into my mind

'Please get out of my brain'

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