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Lisa's POV

Wait wait wait wait, hold up. So everyone's been confused if Suga and I are together.......Well,the answer is............We're not together. He is a good friend though,but, we are nothing else but friends.....Anyways, BACK TO THE STORY.

I just woke up when I heard someone knocking on my door.

"Who's there?" I asked but no one answered

The person knocked again 

"WHO IS THERE???" I whispered angrily. I can't shout because the babies are still sleeping

I opened the door and I was attacked by a hug, then a kiss, then flowers

"Good morning Lisa" He told me



"So, Jimin....What brings you here?" Suga asked Jimin

We are currently eating while the babies are being taken care of by the maids

"I'm here to take back what's mine" Jimin said. Suga and I raised an eyebrow at him

"And, that is?" Suga asked Jimin. You can feel the thick tension here

"Lisa and the babies" He said like it was the most casual thing to say


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