Part 45 (Don't You Dare Touch Her!) 😡

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Lisa's POV

She lifted me up off the ground as I started turning blue because of lack of oxgen


"Don't you dare fxckin touch her!" Jimin said as he threw fireballs in Jennie's direction

"Ow!" Jennie screamed in pain as she let me go

I gasped for air as fast as I could

"J-Jimin" I said as he started fighting with Jennie. They were fighting intensly

I saw Jennie loosing and she was getting hurt more and more. I tried to stop Jimin but I can't

Students were crowding them while recording their intense fight

"Jimin,please stop" I was pleading him

"She almost killed you! Now, she should pay!" He said while fuming in anger

I know I'm going to regret this but...Jennie is still my friend

I quickly held his neck and kissed him which made him calm

Students gasped while recording our kiss

"Oh my gosh that's the two troublemakers! How could they turn from enemies to friends!" Someone gossips

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