Part 46 (You Owe Me)

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Lisa's POV

After that very embarassing day which I really did regret. I went back to the castle with Jimin. We were really akward since that you know...Since the kiss

"so...." He said as he cuts the akward tension

"You Owe Me Bigtime" I told him

"Yeah I do..." He replied

"There's only three days, right?" I asked him

"Yup, There's only three more days till the war starts" He replied

"Oh, I have a question for you" He told me

"What is it?"

"Is water wet?" He asked me

"What kind of nonsense is that Park Jimin?" I asked him and had '-_-' that face

"Lah lah lah lah lah! Im not hearing you!" He said as he started acting childish

'Aish.Kyeopta' I said in my mind

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