The hole ?

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Claire was annoyed. Really really mad. She had been waiting for her friend for an hour and she still showed no signs of coming. She unlocked her iPhone and asked Siri to call her again, a cheerful voice replied, "hey it's Beth, leave a message at the beep. I'll get to you later, maybe"
Claire sighed and decided to leave.
Even though her annoyance she couldn't help but think how she liked this quiet part of the city, with its curious smells and less people.
She walked till she reached a familiar street lamp on the way home, having passed this street lamp thousands or maybe more times she could feel the sense of home already. As she took another step she fumbled all of a sudden and fell. It would have all been normal day for Claire but the fall never seemed to end, she fell and fell and fell until she forgot how long has it been. Finally she felt the gravitational pull and landed with a soft thud.
Ever before she could compose herself she heard a loud and extremely annoyed, " GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! NOT AGAIN!"

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