My life?

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Claire hesitated again.
She squeezed her temples then suddenly gasped.
"Hey what a minute Medusa. Even if I stay here for a week what about my family ? My life ! My job??
Medusa sighed. "This was the reason I came here. I have friends and minions living in your world, they will take care of all that. You don't have to worry for a week."
Claire shuddered and thought "So these creatures have been living in our world and  we had no idea."
Medusa clicked her tongue impatiently and asked Claire, "so your dream ? What was it?"
"Oh" Claire Hesitated and after what seemed like a very long time to Medusa. Then she continued, "well, I could tell you but I don't think i will; coz since you weren't there I don't think you would really get the significance of it."
Medusa scoffed and rolled her eyes ready to just let yet human girl be and go her own way.
"But" Claire continued again "the basic idea would be that I apologised to you cause I realised how I would have felt if i was in your place. I know you are different and I have been different too; my whole life too and I know how it is to be treated in such a way cause of something I didn't want for myself. My heart really hurt by All the hurtful things that were said to me and I promised myself never to be like them coz I know the pain but as soon as I experienced someone different (way way different and weird she thought internally ) I became the same like that. I am really sorry Medusa."
Dead silence.
"Medusa?" Claire called out sheepishly.
"Okay" Medusa replied. "Is wasn't a big deal anyway you didn't need to apologise. I am going back to my room. Eat your food and rest we will talk later."
"Ummm okayyyy." Claire replied.
"Ahhhhhhh so embarrassing. Why did I have to go all preachy and self righteous. Ahhhhhhh she must think I am some kind of weirdo shouting at her at one time and apologising like this yeh next. AAAAAAA!!"Claire screamed Internally all the while cursing herself.

The next chapter is going to be according to Medusa's POV 🐍

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