Try me.

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"Well" Medusa said trying to calm down Claire and have some peace of mind , "What about a deal?"
"A deal?" Claire looked surprise.
"Yaah. A deal! I know you don't wanna stay here and I know how it feels to be forced to do things you don't understand and want. So I will make you a deal. Like ummm, oh! I can't fulfil your wish for a week here. What say?" Medusa said hopefully.
"Also" Medusa sighed " please don't be like my wish to get out of here or something. Just say something that is possible because getting out of here is not one of them."
Claire thought for a while, sighed and said, " ok."
Medusa was surprised at such an easy acceptance thinking about how adamant she was at first.
"But.... Claire continued.
Medusa sighed again. She knew her life could never be so easy so as that.
" Do continue with your but, miss. .?"
"Claire. Claire Mason. But I need you to answer my questions and then fulfil my wish."
Medusa sighed and thought that this is going to be a long day filled with sighs today. She looked at Claire with disgust and said, " There you go miss Claire. I thought we were going to be friends but your demands do make it impossible for me to like you."
It cracked a smile out of Claire and she replied, " well, do you agree or not? Also how can I know that you would be able to do what I want from you?"
Medusa laughed and said, " Oh you wouldn't believe me if u told you half the things I could do. You would be quiet possible petrified at them.(laughed at her own internal joke)"
Claire smirked and replied, " Seems like someone thinks very highly of oneself."
"Okay okay enough of that do you accept or not ?"
Medusa hesitated for a moment and then was like what the hell, she isn't gonna believe me anyway.
"Ok" Medusa agreed , " but I don't think that you will believe me even if I tell you the truth."
"Just try me!"
Medusa sighed(yaah again) and started.

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