Dodge ball 1/2

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Love is a Game. Do you play with luck or skill?  


The following Monday you returned to school you were surprised to see Kokichi in the seat next to yours. You remembered someone mentioning to you how much the small boy hated school and regularly skipped classes or sometimes didn't even show up. At first you thought nothing of it, maybe he just felt like attending classes and would soon disappear. It finally began to slightly bother you when he appeared again the next day and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that...

Monday rolled around again and once more you found him in the seat right next to you. During class you directed your gaze to the front of the classroom and to your notebook only. You could feel the other's violet eyes bore into the side of your head yet every time you turned to look you would find Kokichi looking the other way or doodling in his notebook. When the bell for lunch rang you grabbed your bag and speedwalked out of the classroom looking back every now and then to make sure he wasn't following you. During the first week of his appearance you had noticed that the boy always seemed to be in your area. At first you dismissed it as a coincidence but after deciding to walk around the school on a whim you had discovered that everywhere you went Kokichi always seemed to be there before you or would walk in a few minutes after you. You were fed up with his antics and wanted him to stop but after you had seen that creepy expression on his face the day you had beaten him at monopoly you were too scared to talk to him directly.

You reached the rooftop to find that you were the first one up there and figuring that the others would show up soon you walked over and took a seat at the bench your group normally ate lunch at. It wasn't even five minutes later until a loud crowd of teens appeared on the roof and you looked over to see it was your lunch companions.

"Why'd you get up here so fast Y/N? We could have just all walked over here together." Kaito spoke as he took a seat next to you and opened up his lunchbox.

"Leave them be. They were probably as hungry as you were Kaito, don't think I didn't hear your stomach growl from across the classroom." Kaede laughed as she also took a seat and cracked open a can of coffee.

The astronaut slightly blushed and grew defensive. "W-what? My stomach didn't growl! Okay maybe it did but there's no way it was that loud."

"It was." A third voice spoke up and you watched Maki take a seat next to Kaito. "If you don't believe me or Kaede ask Shuichi, you know he'd never lie to you."

All four of you looked over at the last member of the group who had frozen up due to the sudden amount of attention he had gained under a few seconds.

"Well Shuichi?" Kaede inquired. "Could you hear Kaito's stomach growl from across the classroom?"

"U-uh... Yeah, I did.." The detective confessed as he quickly looked away Kaito's look of betrayal.

Lunch continued normally with the five of you conversing about the lessons, other students and anything that came up. As Kaito and Kaede began to heatedly discuss the ending to one of their shows your mind wandered to Kokichi. Just what was up with that boy? Had you done something wrong to deserve this treatment? If you did why didn't he just confront you directly? As the questions began to pile up in your head you were taken out of your thoughts when a hand waved in front of your face. You blinked and saw that the hand's owner was a very concerned Shuichi.

"Y/N are you okay? You're been staring at your lunch for a while now."

"Sorry." You apologized. "It's nothing, I was just thinking about something."

Love is a Game - Kokichi Ouma x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now