The Final Game?

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Love is a Game. Do you play with luck or skill?


Surprisingly the days leading up to Friday were normal. To your immense relief Kokichi stops following you and once again you can walk around campus without having to look over your shoulder every few minutes. During classes the small boy develops a hobby of trying to catch your attention in seemingly random ways. Sometimes he'll throw pencils at your desk to startle you out of reading or he'll discreetly pass you notes with dumb drawings or messages inside. Of course you never react to his actions because you know the moment you do he'll begin to bother you even more. Lastly everyday after class he makes sure to give you a farewell followed by a "Don't forget about Friday!" which of course you don't forget because at this point you're counting down the seconds to the fated day.

You liked to believe you were a very mature and serious person, most stressful situations would make any average person nervous but you were proud of the way you kept your cool and composure during any situation. Yet here you were Thursday night scouring the internet for all sort of possible boards games you might find yourself playing Friday and taking notes on winning tactics, it wasn't until you were almost half a notebook in that you realized just how much Kokichi was getting to you. This angered you because like you previously thought, nothing bothered you, NOTHING.

So why was the thought of losing to this twerp bothering you so much that you were wasting precious time you could use for business purposes and wasting it on searching up how to win board games?

Somewhere in the back of your mind Kokichi's condescending laugh rang out and you were practically fuming. Even when he wasn't here that little piece of shit was still managing to get under your skin! You quickly shut off your laptop, threw the notebook off to the side before getting up and jumping into bed. It was getting really late and you didn't feel like staying up anymore anyways, you finally decided that you would accept whatever outcome tomorrow brought, of course this didn't mean you were going to give in without a fight.

Friday morning you woke up a bit early without the help of your alarm. As much as you had been annoyed last night you couldn't help but to feel a bit anxious and giddy about today, after going on for years with the most exciting thing happening to you was planning a couple of business meetings you were looking forward to meeting up with Kokichi. You quickly changed, ate breakfast and picked up the notebook you had thrown aside to read it while on your subway ride to the school.

You arrived to the academy earlier than usual but you were still surprised to see students roaming the school's hallways, you had supposed with the dorms so close to the academy building itself many students would have taken their sweet time arriving to class. When you slide open the door to your classroom you're not surprised to see Kirumi already in her seat reading a book of some sorts but you are sort of surprised to see Korekiyo and Kiibo also in the classroom having a quiet conversation over in their area. Sliding the door to a close you wave to Kirumi who has taken a notice of your presence before heading to your desk and also greeting your two other classmates.

After settling down at your desk you ponder on what to do, you didn't expect the classroom to be this devoid of students but you were too excited for the oncoming game you were to play that you were sure that if even you took out your laptop to merely review some documents you'd be too distracted to focus on your work. Deciding it was best that you not work with a distracted mindset you looked over at the few present classmates. You wanted to walk over to Kirumi and possibly chat about her line of work but you were afraid of interrupting her reading time knowing full well that you'd dislike it if someone bothered you during work so having no other choice you stood up and sauntered over to your only other option.

Love is a Game - Kokichi Ouma x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now