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Boss took me to one of his meetings, he didn't normally do that. Usually, he let the trainees have their fun with me.

I kneeled on the floor beside Boss' chair and listened to their plans.

"They aren't telling us anything, even the 'death' of pet here barely phased them," Boss told them motioning towards me before adding, "I mean, just look at what they've done to her throat,". He put a finger under my chin and made me look up, revealing the new angry looking scar.

I tried to tune out of their meeting, and I did. Up until they brought up the prisoners, "We could transfer them to the Sokovia location, it's only a couple hundred miles out,".

I grasped for my link 'They said you're a couple hundred miles away from Sokovia. I.. don't know where that is...' I told him, keeping my eyes on the floor.

"No, this is Drica, and bringing them to the Sokovia location brings them closer to their objective," one of the men at the table corrected.

'You're in Drica, Boss is an idiot.' I thought towards the link.

I heard Loki's laugh ring through my head, 'I've just informed our rescuers of our location. You're going to get out of here," Loki told me. I didn't reply.

I instead, eavesdropped on the rest of the meeting.
As it turns out, their rescuers weren't that far out.

A few hours into the meeting, gunshots started to ring through the hall.

I held back a smirk and waited until the shots were near the door before I shifted.

It felt liberating and Boss turned to look at me with a look of slight horror as my bones snapped and reformed.

I let out an animalistic snarl as I shrank to my other form.

Boss and the others at the meeting ran out the door, I wasn't far behind. snarling as I pounced a fatter, and slower man.

I dug my teeth into the back of his neck and crunched, breaking his neck before moving onto the next.

The invaders of the base looked a little shocked as they were about to shoot the last man, but I tackled him to the ground and jerked him around violently.

I looked around and noticed Boss wasn't among the bodies. I growled in frustration and walked up to a woman holding two pistols.

I grabbed her hand gently in my jaws and pulled slightly.

She and a metal suit were a bit shocked.

I took a few steps down the hall before turning back and barking once.

"I vote following the dog," the suit said, the woman sighed before they both started following me.

I took off running down the hall, keeping my nose out for boss' trail.

It looked like he took the long way if he was going where I was.

The two struggled to keep up, but they could manage.
When we got to the door it was open and I smelled Boss inside.

I slipped in and saw him pointing a gun at Steve.

I let out a vicious sounding snarl, he froze.

"You turned against me you-" I cut him off with tackling him to the floor, barely missing Steve as I tore into Boss' abdomen.

I wanted his death slow, and oh how he screamed.

The two I'd led here finally burst into the room.

The woman let out Steve, who grabbed me by the scruff and pulled me off Boss, who was now gurgling on his own blood.

The suit let out Tony who seemed pleased with his release, "Rhodey," was all I heard him say.

I was trying to get away from Steve to finish off Boss.

Natasha took one of the woman's guns and cocked it. "You deserve a slow death," she told him before aiming the gun at him and pulled the trigger, "But I suppose I should make it short,".

Clint got up and walked over to Steve and I, "I wonder what he did to piss off this dog that much..." Clint said offering me a hand to sniff.

I put my muzzle on his hand instead.

When Loki was freed he walked over to the rescuers. "Did either of you see a naked woman with him?" Loki asked intently while pointing at Boss' mutilated corpse.

The woman shook her head, "No, but the dog ran out of the room he did before it killed a bunch of HYDRA officials,".

Before anyone could say anything else, I started to shift back.

Steve dropped me when the sound of my bones snapping and reforming met his ears. He probably thought he was hurting me.

I heard, "What the fuck?!" before the darkness consumed me.

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