Steve Smells Funny

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It took several days to build CAT's body, mainly because Bruce kept making us leave to eat, sleep, and shower. He even locked us out at one point.

I managed to crawl in the vent once.

Bruce put bars in the vent after I did that, Bruce scolded me after I did though.

Tony patted me on the back, "It was worth a shot," he had told me.

That was two days before CAT was finished.
I pulled away from the microscope and put down the little pliers.

I looked around the lab, Bruce wasn't here, surprisingly neither was Tony.

"Guys?" I asked, no one responded.

"JARVIS?" I asked.

After a few silent moments, "Yes Miss Samantha?"

I relaxed, I hadn't realized I was tense. "Where's Tony?"

It took him less than five seconds, "Mister Banner has taken Sir to the kitchen. Would you like me to tell them you request their presence?"

I shifted my weight, "I was just going to ask Tony to look over CAT... But it can wait," I said, sitting back down on my stool.

I looked back through the microscope, double checking everything.

I pulled out my Starkphone, opening the app Tony made me for the cameras in CAT's eyes.

I heard the door open, "Heya Sammy, J said you needed us?"

I looked up, "Oh, I told JARVIS it could wait until you were done..."

Tony waved his hand, "It wasn't important, whatcha got for me," Tony said walking over.

Bruce sighed and went to his table.

I let Tony look through the microscope, "Nice Sammy, just needs wings. But other than that it's pretty much done but, how are you going to power it?"

I looked at Tony a little hopeful, "I was thinking solar powered wings maybe?"

Tony looked at CAT through the microscope again, "Yeah we can do that, I'll make some okay?"

I smiled at him and couldn't resist, I hugged him. 

It took him a second to return it, "Thank you Tony!"

I felt him pat my back, "It's nothing kid,"

I shook my head, "No it's not,".

I saw Bruce writing something down in his notes with a smile on his face.
It only took Tony a few hours to finish up CAT's wings.

Tony picked her up, "Hey Sam, put it in a window or something. The panels I put in take in more energy in a small amount of time,".

I took CAT from Tony carefully, "Thank you Tony," I said before darting over to the window.

"Sir, Captain Rogers is being transferred to the for medical treatment,".

We all froze and looked up, "What happened to Steve?" I asked, getting off the table I was sitting on.

"One of Director Fury's triskelions went down, the Captain was on board,".

CAT took that moment to whir up, I looked over as CAT got onto her six legs.

She made a chirping noise and flew towards me.

"Hello CAT," I said, momentarily distracted. I extended a finger and CAT landed, giving a little salute.

I giggled at her.

Tony was looking at me with a small smile, so was Bruce.

"Captain Rogers has entered the tower,".

CAT chirped and I darted over to the elevator and got in.

Tony and Bruce weren't far behind me.
When the doors opened a few minutes later, I saw the lobby and Steve on a pair of crutches standing in front of the elevator.

I launched myself forward and hugged him tightly, he did the best he could to return it.

CAT chirped.

"What was that?" Steve asked, sounding a little confused.

"That would be CAT, Sammy's little robot,".

I felt CAT chirp and take flight, hovering in front of Steve.

I took a breath and frowned, I put my nose to Steve's neck and took a deep inhale.

"Uh, Sam what are you doing?" Tony asked, looking confused. So did Steve.

I pulled back and looked up at Steve, "You smell like someone I knew from HYDRA,".

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