Adopted pt. 2

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*Who appreciates this video? 😂 Sorry, trying to add happiness to a depressing book is hard...

Anywho... back to where we left off!

Milly is driving her rental car to her brothers house. (Takes about a hour and a half) Demy and Harry sit quietly in the back with Derick, who doesn't talk, and Dudley sits up front.

Demy turns towards Harry,"Hi! I'm Demy, what's your name?"

Harry looks at her, "H-Harry." He whispers.

"Hey, are you alright?" She asks him.

"I-I'm fine..." he says, looking down.

"No you're not... you are acting like my brother when he's in our room, while upset ..."

"W-what?" He asks, confused.

"Derick curls up at the top of his bed and stays there for hours when he's upset..." Demy says, glancing at her brother.

"O-oh... I'm fine, I've never actually left the house for anything but school..." Harry says, looking down.

"What? Surely you had friends to play with after school!"

"I wasn't allowed to have friends..."

"I'll be your friend! Derick will be, too, right Derick?" Demy looks at her brother, who nods then smiles at Harry. Demy hugs Harry, "We promise to be great friends to you! I mean you're technically our big brother now! Oh, Mommy? Are we going to say bye to Uncle Luc, Auntie Cissy, and Draco?"

"Of course, love! We can introduce them to Dudley and Harry while we're there!" Milly smiles at her daughter though the mirror.

The drive continues as Demy babbles to Harry and Derick about random topics. Soon, Milly pulls the car up to a gate for a mansion.

'Wand Please' A voice says, and Milly puts the tip of her wand into the wand reader. 'Welcome back, Ms. Malfoy! Shall I inform your brother you're here?'

"Yes, thank you!" Milly replies and the gate open. Milly stops the car in front of a giant manor.

"Harry, Dudley, welcome to Malfoy Manor!" Milly says, leading the children inside.

"Aunt Milly!" A boy with the same blonde hair as Milly and her children had came running out of a room down the corridor.

"Hello, Dragon! Where's your father, I believe I left some of our cases in our rooms."

"He's in his study..." Draco trails off, catching a glimpse of Harry and Dudley. "Aunt Milly, who are they?"

"Draco, these two are going to be my sons. The shorter one with black hair is Harry, and the one with blonde hair is Dudley!"

"Nice to meet you!" Draco puts out his hand for them to shake, which Dudley shook. Draco turned to Harry and offered his hand Harry looked at it then into Draco's eyes. Draco gasps, pain is all he saw in the shorter boys Emerald green eyes. Draco lowers his hand and takes a step towards Harry, Harry flinches but stays put. Harry closes his eyes and waits for Draco to hit him, but gasps when Draco wraps his arms around him in a tight hug. Harry hesitantly hugs back.

Milly walks over to the two boy and whispers into Draco's ear,"Dragon, why don't you take them to the twins room? I'm going to talk to your father before we leave." Draco nods and lets go of Harry.

"Everyone follow me!" He says to the group, leading them down the hall to the twins room. "Make yourselves comfortable, Aunt Milly will be back in a few minutes." Draco tells them then sits down next to Harry, who is silently sitting with an equally silent Derick.

"Harry, how old are you?" Draco asks.


"Really? Ok... who ar- were your parents?"

"I-I don't k-know..."

"How do you not know?" Draco growls.

Harry scoots closer to Derick and starts to shake, "I... p-please just l-leave me alone..." Harry turns away from Draco. Draco continues to stare at Harry. A few minutes later, Milly walks in with Lucius and Narcissa. Milly scans the room for Harry and finds him sitting next to Derick on the bed, crying his heart out. She rushes over Harry.

"Harry, hun, what happened?" She asks hugging him. Harry shakes his head and clings onto Milly. She sighs and looks at Lucius, " I think we should head home... umm so, the one I'm currently hugging is Harry and the dark blonde is Dudley."

"Nice to meet you boys." Lucius says.

Narcissa looks at them and smiles ,"I hope we can see each other again and be able to get to know each other!"

Milly smiles and stares to pry Harry off her, she turns to Demy."Demy, honey, can you sit in the middle so Harry can lean against the window and take a nap I think he needs it..."

"Ok, mommy!" The little girl smiles.

~With Draco~

Draco watches Milly calm Harry down he turns his line of vision to Derick who is glaring at him.

'What did I do?' Draco thinks to himself.

~With Harry~

"Harry, let's go, you can take a nap in the car on our way to London." Milly tells him. He nods and Milly leads him to the car.

'I wonder how different life is going to be now that I'm away from Uncle Vernon' Harry thinks as he doses off.

This one goes out to no_its_me and TheCipherTwins1967 for being great friends and giving suggestions when needed.

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