snape's office

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snape had finally reached the door and saw us when he dropped the parchment stack he was carrying he seemed as shocked as anyone else. he looked at harry then at me, that was when it started to get a bit awkward. we let go and stepped away from each other, our faces a bright red. snape looked at us a bit weirdly, and shooed away the rest of the crowd except for ron. snape ordered ron to pick up the papers, for once ron did something without being a total snob and listened, as he picked up the papers snape ordered us to go to his office and wait for him there, we obediently went up with nearly everyone in the school staring at us whispering most likely about what happened, honestly had no idea why they were making such a big deal out of it, i mean maybe in another universe we were mortal enemies, but that was in some other universe,not this one. once we got in the office, professor mcgonagall was there, and she looked at harry in a disappointed way. a few minutes later snape entered the office, sat down at his desk and signalled professor to leave the room.

"What the heck were you two boys doing?" snape said glaring intensely at us.

"we were having a friendly conversation because we bumped into each other, and ron practically broke down the door when coming in and scared the heck out of us." harry explained, it was pretty close to the truth considering that ron did break the door down.

"hmmm, from what ron said it sounds nearly exact" snape said "except one part, he said he broke down the door because he saw you two together." snape continued accusingly.

"it must have been a misunderstanding on his part." i replied.

"i'll lessen the punishment on you two."snape said obviously annoyed. he looked at us and said "detention for one day, both of you are to clean out the spare cauldrons in my class room under my supervision."

"yes sir" we said simultaneously. we were headed back to class , when hermione saw us and walked up to us and said: "i-uh heard about the "thing" that happened" she finished.

"the whole thing was a misunderstanding" harry told her calmly.

"oh okay, off to class?"hermione said staring at me with suspicion.

"yup see ya later" harry grabbed my hand and started running"we gotta hurry or professor mcgonagall is going to have our heads!"

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