Jealous: Jin part:1🌻

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Kind of sad- sorwy

"Kookie this is y/n" Jin said holding your hand.
He looked at you up and and down and frowned.
This was your first time meeting Jin's family. You had been dating for 1 year now and things we getting kind of serious so he decided it was time to meet the only family he has ever had....his little brother . Who from the beginning never liked you.
"So this is the girl your leaving me for" he smirks.
You just smile not wanting to ruin this night that Jin was looking forward too to be ruined.
"Kookie...come on she's beautiful" jin smiles kissing your hand.
"Eww" he mumbles
You look at your close they looked fine. Your hair was done nice and your makeup. You felt so self conscious it was only his brother but you wanted to impress him.
"Come on kookie not now...let's eat and then we can watch a movie" Jin smiles.
"With her but we always eat together" jungkook frowns.
"It's special tonight kookie come on" Jin coos leading me to their two Chair kitchen table with one old fold up chair not suitable to hold anything really.
"Kookie sit in the folding chair please for tonight we have a guest" Jin smiles.
He frowns waking over to the metal chair.
"But I-"
"Kooookieeeeee" Jin whined Under his breath.
"Babe I can sit in the folding chair let him have his seat" you smiled making jungkook frown.
"No..he can be polite sit please" he smiled handing me a plate filled with some kind of pasta.
You hesitantly sat down across from jungkook his eyes biting threw your skull.
"So y/n I know this place is not big but what do you think" Jin ask his face stuffed with pasta.
"Hehe I love it small but comfy"
"Yah it's made for two people" jungkook added in.
"Sure it is kookie but we have room for another" Jin smiled grabbing my Hand.
"Do you really like it y/n-ah cause I would like for us to be closer" Jin smiles.
You look over at jungkook his face red as a tomato.
"Y-yes it's small but full of potential"
"Jin.....we have to much clutter here for anyone else you know that right" jungkook adds again.
"Yah that's what cleaning is for....come on y/n-ah let's move in together" Jin smiles.
You look up at him and start choking violently on your pasta.
Jungkook in the other hand quickly stands up and throws his bowl of pasta on the floor causing the glass to shatter everywhere.
You finally stop choking to see jungkook's red face and Jin's shocked one while yours was covered with pasta sauce.
Jungkook's eyes were glossy and tears were falling down his cheek.
Jin's face softens at the sight of his little brother crying.
"Go to your room jungkook" he said sternly.
"GO" he yelled making jungkook Jump. He turned and ran to his room slamming the door as hard as he could.
Jin look at me and smiled but it wasn't genuine.
He wiped the sauce off of my face and grabs my hand.
"I'm so sorry...he has problems and I'm trying to-" Jin let one tear fall from his eye.
"I just wish he could except that you make me happy y/n I love you so much but jungkook-"
"I know-he comes first" you smile wiping his tear.
"I still love you and we will figure this out if he's not ready then neither am I" you smile even though you were upset. You have been wanting to move in with Jin to get away from your family for a while now.
"Go talk to him then you can take me home" you smiled and let go of his hand. He got up and quickly walked over to jungkook's room.
With one knock the older was let in the room and you could here the yelling.
"YOU DONT LOVE ME ANYMORE" jungkook yelled.
"Kookie please stop you are my bro-"
"Jungkook stop this now" Jin whined
"I'm not your real brother..." jungkook cried.
Not real brother you thought that was odd maybe jungkook was just angry.
"Kookie your are my brother and I care very much for you...maybe we don't have the same parents but I've know you sense you were young and I have took care of you haven't I" Jin yelled back.
There was silence as you thought that you were kind of breaking up a family. Yours eyes started to water as You heard the mixed cries of jungkook and Jin coming from the bedroom.
You slowly stood up and walked to the front door leaving a small note for Jin on their little kitchen table. You opened the door quietly and walked out tears dripped from your eyes as you still heard the loud cries of the one person you thought you truly wanted to be with.

Dear jinnie,
I'll find my way home tonight. Please mend things with your brother and tell me when everyone's ready because I won't be the one to break up a family again. I broke my family up and I regret it everyday I don't want to do the same to yours. Please take care of kookie and give him a bunch of love because he needs you more than I need you.

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~author 🌷sugaskumamon🌷

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