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“You are not born with a destiny,

You make one”

-Iris Stone

Now when I look back to what all has happened in last few years, I become conscious about how much I have changed. It’s not just me who has changed; every single individual I’ve known has changed. It is a change that everyone fears, or maybe it is the reason for the change, that everyone fears. Time earlier passed so slowly. I realize that I had so much and now I have… Just people around me, Scared and Scary people around me. These people fight and make every battle a war. Yes, a war is what I feared the most. Sometimes things change, the way we don’t want them to. But then, change is the only undying thing in the world. Savannah Parks said it right “Lessons sometimes are learnt in best circumstances and sometimes in the worst.”

Few years ago:

“AJ!!!!! Wake up!!” mom shouted.

“Mom! It’s Sunday, let me sleep a little more!!” I requested.

Mom took a long breath, tied her dark black hair and started to take my blanket off my body. She said patiently,

“Honey, everyone is awake, and daddy is at home. He promised that he would tell you about the history of EN. Get up quickly. Or else he would be disappointed.”

I was in no mood to dissatisfy her so I jumped out of the bed, hugged her and said “Morning mom! Pray that my weekend goes better than Naomi.” And rushed to get fresh. It took me 30 minutes to get ready. Everyone was having their brunch. The minute I arrived Naomi commented, “Oh look whose here. AJ finally found time to come.” Naomi is my “elder” sister. She too has black hair like me and mom. And she hates me just like I hate her!

I was about to pass a comment, when mom said:

“Naomi, please not today. She is younger to you. Behave.”

“Mom, younger?? Seriously, just two years.” Naomi protested

Rest of the brunch was without any episode. After the brunch, as intended, dad started telling us the story of EN.

“This all happened only a few years ago, when a group of scientists, including me found a planet which was almost like our real home, planet Earth. Later it was known as Esse Novum. To be specific it all happened just some 10 years ago.”

“Why is it called Esse Novum?”

“It is Latin for ‘another existence’” Dad explained

“Does Earth, the old planet still exist?” I asked

“Yes, of course in fact only some 200 families are here. There were 25 scientists who found the planet, so, they got to come here.”

“What about the rest 175 families?”

“To find those families a set of investigators, which included your mom, were sent to find people who were not spoilt. Which means, having, no illegal background. They also came here. But you had to pay a definite amount of money per head to come here and there are certain set of laws here so that this planet doesn’t become like Earth.”

“Like earth?” I asked confused.

“Yea! In earth, there is smoke every where, people buy air to breathe! And people fight to live to tell the tale!” Naomi said briefly.

“OMG!! Dad, what about the people there? How is their life?”

“It’s terrible. Death is sweeter than life there.”

“No water, no humanity…nothing.” Naomi added

Terrible! I mean we are quite lucky. I wondered.

“What year is it in Earth?”

“I think…2597”

“Hey Naomi when we shifted here you were five so, do you remember anything?” I asked her.

She was after all, she, the great Naomi. “Yes, I do…You were so comical little creature…people on the space-ship couldn’t help laughing…I remember it quite clearly without any hesitation…HEHEHE”


“Girls, for heaven’s sake!”

A/N: The amzing cast video is made by none other than---> @_yeahbuddy

Thanks a ton :*

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