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“We stopped checking for monsters under our bed, when we realized they were inside us.”

After dinner at about 9:00PM all of us were in the Hall watching Tele. Mom, Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Agatha and Naomi were sitting on the chairs and rest of us were on the floor watching the news with full concentration as if it was the last thing to do in life. The news changed my whole world. EN, the world where we were, where our houses were, was no more…LITRELLY. They looked like us but behaved like monsters. Earthians threw a bomb in the city to “warn the mayor” that there can be more to come if he doesn’t allow Earthians to reside. The Mayor replied “No, not even if you blast my house!” Too bad they took him seriously and the Mayor is no more. Seriously no more, like dead!! And the Earthians declared a war. So much happened today that no matter how tired I am, I can’t sleep. Before going to bed, I helped others in cleaning the dishes. For dinner we had vegetables, Evan, Sam and Naomi cooked it. It was very tasty. Mom, Iris, Agatha and I cleaned the dishes. Nobody spoke during the dinner or after the dinner. It seemed as if someone died. Everyone whished each other good night (which was somewhat useless) and went to their rooms. When I entered my room, there was no one inside. Ira and Jo were chatting with mom and Agatha. Then Naomi entered the room. She closed the door behind her, smiled at me and said tenderly,

“How’re you feeling?”

“How am I feeling? What do you think, how does a person feel, in middle of a stupid war?”

“Yea! I can guess! Common’ lets get some sleep.”

“Hmm…good night Naomi!” saying this I hugged her tight. I felt her hand squeezing mine.

“Good night AJ” she whispered slowly.

Just then Ira and Jo entered the room. We all sat down cross legged facing each other, on the floor, and started chatting.

“So AJ, what does AJ stand for?” Jo asked.

“It’s for Anna Jane” Ira answered on my behalf as if it was asked to her not to me.

I could think of nothing but, the war that was going on…

That night I tried to sleep but I couldn’t. Naomi and Jo were fast asleep. I could hear Naomi breathing heavily, where as Jo was breathing softly. Naomi was much dead beat at the end of the day and it was very evident as after the dinner she came directly to bed and not went to talk to others. She was also much tensed about what was going on. Jo had taken the upper birth where as Naomi had taken the lower birth. I bent down in the lower birth to see if Ira was awake. And she was, as her eyelids for moving here and there. I bent down a little and whispered to Ira,

“Hi! Are you awake?”

“Yep, and you?”


“I can’t believe so much happened!”


“Hush… did you hear that?”

We heard a click out side the house, and then we suddenly heard a loud voice, like an explosion. Everyone was awakened due to noise. In our room, Naomi quickly got up from bed woke Jo and rushed out to see, what was going on. Everyone met at the hall.

“Everyone is fine right?” Sam asked.

“Yeah!” Naomi answered on behalf of everyone.

Evan went to see Mom, Mrs. Parker and Agatha. Just then Mr. Parker and dad joined us. “Let’s go and see what the matter is.”

We all went out. It was cold outside. I was shivering. I was barely able to put my soul and body together.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” said Evan as soon as he entered along with Mom and Mrs. Parker. Agatha joined them after fraction of seconds.

The garden was on fire. Some body had thrown a bomb or any explosive in our backyard. The EARTHEINS did it!

So the war has started… “Get inside the house NOW!” Dad commanded. Within seconds everyone was inside the house in the hall. It was a tensed situation. I could see Naomi and mom worried like hell. Even I was so distressed. Nobody could sleep that night.

“I think we need to notify people here, that danger is arriving.” Mrs. Parker said.

“No need, that blast was not a silent one, the whole village or probably even next village must have heard the bang.” Sam replied.

It was true, the voice of explosion was still echoing in my ear drums. There was some sort of trembling passing through my spinal chords which started giving me Goosebumps.

“Where are your parents?” Dad asked addressing Sam and Jo.

“In Earth.” Sam said.

“Earth, why?” Mom asked.

“They could not afford to bring everyone here as it was very expensive. Dad knew Agatha so she lives with us.” Jo explained.

Later on everyone went to sleep. I knew nobody was actually sleeping. Time passed quite swiftly.

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