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Y/n closed her eyes for a moment, letting her mind take in the rock music in the background and the sound of her brother's bickering in the front seat like they always did. It made her smile to be back in the Impala; she made a mental note to herself to try and go on a few hunts with them every now and then since they had all made up. 

"We're here, lets kill this son of a bitch." Dean spoke quickly as he got out of the drivers side and went to open the trunk. 

"Someone's eager," y/n commented as she slid out and stretched her legs. 

Sam and Dean gave each other a quick glance. "No offense y/n, but I think we're both ready to be away from your team. If they're as good as you say they are, then chances are they might be a little suspicious already, and we don't want any of us to get tangled up in the mess that would cause."

Y/n nodded with understanding, knowing he was right, and quickly opened the trunk of the car to search through her bag for her weapons. "The only one I worry about is Spencer," She admitted a little nervously. "He knows me really well and can tell when I'm lying in the slightest, which means that, if he's suspicious, he'll ask Garcia to do some digging on you guys. And, trust me, that won't go over very well. Garcia is a bad ass when it comes to digging up dirt on people and you two tend to have bad things follow you around like no body else's business. Hell, our entire family does. I mean it's not like we can help it though." 

Realizing she was rambling, she stopped and bit her lip, switching her weight to her other foot as her brothers gazed at her. "You really care about that dork don't you?" Dean spoke out first; even though his tone suggested he was trying to insult Reid, the smile on his face said otherwise. 

"Yeah," Y/n mumbled with a small smile as she looked down at the ground. "He was the first person I met when I moved to D.C. actually- we didn't know we'd be working together until my first day. I walked in and there he was." She shrugged, a small smile playing out on her lips at the fond memory in her head. 

"Well, remember, no chick flick moments." Dean teased, grabbing his own weapon as Sam held back a laugh. 

"Yeah, yeah." Y/n smirked and made sure she had everything she would need to take down a werewolf; she was rusty on her hunting skills, but she tried to cover up her nerves by beginning to scout the area. Plus, working in the FBI kept her skills sharp to go after things, just not supernatural beings.

"Let's go," Sam said, giving both of them a look of nervousness that they were all feeling.

 The three hunters walked near silently towards the warehouse, making sure not to miss any details. But all of them stopped when they heard the sound of a vehicle pulling in behind them; a black SUV that made y/n's heart skip a few beats in her chest. That had to be her team; there was no one else that would've followed them here so well, especially because they had been so careful about it. 

She grabbed both of her brothers and pulled them all behind a large patch of trees next to the warehouse as she listened to the doors of the car close. 

"Her brothers car is here, but I don't see a single sign of them." Y/n could tell it was Rossi who made that comment; she wanted to think that her team would trust her if it came down to her having to tell them the truth, but the way that they followed her out here instead of just asking what was going on made her think otherwise. 

She could barely breathe straight; her entire body felt like it might fall over at any second due to the sheer intensity of the situation. "But where would they go? That warehouse looks like total trash, I highly doubt that they would've come all the way out here into the middle of no where just for that." Derek's voice hit her ears, but the person who responded was what really got her attention. 

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