That Night • Morty

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You and Morty spent all day talking, learning about each other, he was fascinated by all the things about you, from your personality, facial expressions, everything. Your mom dropped your things for tonight, and your school stuff for tomorrow. Incase you wanted to go to school with your new, erm, friend.

Morty's POV

"Y-y/N?" I yawn.
"It's M-midnight, and we got school tomorrow, can we go to b-bed?" I can't even look at her, she's so pretty.

"I thought you'd *Erup* never ask, excuse me!" She giggles.

"Y-you can h-have the b-bed, y-your my guess after a-all." I'm mumbling, why am I mumbling, she must think I'm stupid, which I am, but...

"N-no, Morty, I can't take the bed, this is your room!" Y/N says.

"We could b-both sleep in the b-bed?" Why did I say that, she must think I'm a creep!

"I-i'd like that.." I watch her motion to the bed.

"M-morty?" She's waving her hand in front of me.
"What are you thinking about?"

"Y-you." Aww geez, I didn't mean to say that.

She just giggles and we both get in the bed.

"I'm glad we're friends." I say.
"Me too" Y/N says.

"Well i-in that case, goodnight Y/N."
"Good night Morty."

Y/N turns around and kisses my cheek.

I turn a dark red, but it's late at night, so she can't see me blush.

"W-what was that f-for?" I ask, I'm an idiot...

She giggles and drifts off to sleep, still facing me.

I hug Y/N while she sleeps, I drift off to sleep myself.

"Well at least they got a room, tsk." Rick says, that was the last thing I heard that night.

*The Next Morning*

I wake up still hugging Y/N, she smells very nice. I start to think about last night, and play with her hair.

"Wake up sleepy head! We got school!" She groans but then smiles when she sees my hands in her hair, and on her waist.

"Clingy, I like it." Y/n smirks.

"I'd like to return the favor." Giving her a smirk back.

"What favor?" Y/N says.

"This." I lean close to her cheek and give it a peck.

"Aww geez!" She's mocking me. I roll my eyes.

"Come on, let's get dressed?" She suggested.

"Nah, I'll go to school, naked!" She laughs, oh how I love her laugh.

She starts changing in front of me.

"What are you-" I get cut off.
"We're friends right?" She asks.
"Y-yeah!" I retort.
"Then we should be able to see each other in underwear.. right?" She asks.
"Makes sense." I turn red.

"Take a photo, it lasts longer." I was staring.

"Maybe I will?" I give her a devilsh look.

She sticks her tongue out.

We finish getting dress, Y/N grabs her belongings and goes straight to the living room, then to the bathroom, to I don't know? Brush her hair? Piss? Take a shit?

"All done!" I look over and she has her hair in a nice neat bun.

"You look g-great." I whisper, she heard me.

"I know I do!" She smirks and winks.

I hear Rick coming.

"Where's everyone?" Rick asks taking a sip from his flask.

"I didn't notice they were gone?" I say.

"Of course you didn't *ERUP* you're too busy with little Miss Y/N over there." Rick winks.

I turn red.

"S-shove a s-sock in it R-rick!!" I scream whisper.

Y/N comes back in the room, she left I guess?

"I found this." She hands Rick a note.

"Beth left for work early, blah, blah *ERUP* Jerry went to the store, like I care, *ERUP* and Summer went out with her boyfriend so they could go to school or whatever." Rick rolls his eyes.

"You kids gonna eat before we go or.." Rick asks.

"Actually, Rick there's this cafe that I'd like to try." Y/N says.

"Well alright Y/N, you kids wanna ride or..." Rick keeps asking questions.. Ugh...

"I think I could show Y/N a-around more of we walk.. Rick.." I turn to Y/N.

"Cool, cool, have *ERUUP* fun, don't die, or whatever." Rick smirks and leaves the room, ruffling Mine and Y/N's hair.

"We got time, we still got 30 Minutes before school, let's go?" Y/N says while extending her hand.

I grab her hand.

"Ladies first!"
She chuckles and stands there.

"Morty, go!" I'm confused.
"You said ladies first!" She gives me an evil grin.

"Fine.." I giggle.

"AND AWAYYY WE GO!!" Y/N shouts.

"You s-sound alot like Rick!" I say.
"I'll take that as a compliment." Y/N grins.



Aww Geez! (Morty x Reader) (Complete) *2018*Where stories live. Discover now