I feel you • Rick

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Rick's POV

I know this isn't me, but why do I feel pity? Why do I feel, needed? Ever since that night...


"At least they got a room, tsk."
I walk by Morty's room..

I made an invention not too long ago.
It's has the ability to enter people's dreams.

"Let's enter Y/n dream, I wonder what's the real her, someone can't be this nice for so long, and not have snapped.." I mumble to myself.

"aannd awayyy we go!"  I whisper

I get zapped into a school setting, I see Y/N all by herself, in the lunchroom, looking all sad, sitting in the corner on the floor.

I go up to her, and place my hand on her shoulder.

"What up kiddo." I quietly say.

"R-rick? What are you doing in my dream? I'm an active dreamer, and I know I didn't summon you here, did I?" Y/N start to shed tears.

"You didn't, I brought myself here to see what you really are like, only smart dreamers have power to active dreams, genius." She gives me a weak smile.

I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Why are you crying, and alone, at a school." I ask her.

"First off all school was the first place I could think about, Second, I'm not alone, Morty's here with someone, I'm crying because of my personal reasons."  She starts crying even more.

"Rick have you ever loved someone, but knew you weren't enough for them, no matter how hard you prove yourself to them?" She adds, sobbing.

"Actually, yes I have, like I said before, you remind me of myself, Wubba Lubba Dub Dub.." I give her a slight smile.

"Wubba Lubba What?"  She stares at me, with a crooked smile.

"Wubba Lubba Dub Dub, Help I'm trapped and hurting." I sigh

"That's my life in a weird catchphrase. Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!" She screams.


"SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM THIS HELL HOLE OF MY LIFE!! OR I'LL JUST KILL MYSELF!!" She summons a gun and tosses it to me, point it to her head.

"SHOOT ME RICK!! S-Shoot me please.." She crams the gun against her forehead.

"Y/N, I've kill many people, but I can't shoot you, even if this is just a dream.."  I can feel all her pain.

"I'll do it myself!" She snatches it from my hands and shoots herself.

"Why didn't it work.."  She asks me

"Because deep inside you, you still wanna live." I reply hugging her.

"Being suicidal isn't gonna help, I've been treated like shit all my life, just like you, I'm suicidal, just like you, I'm smart... Just like you." Her eyes start to flow like a river.

"Rick, thanks for being here for me, when no one else was, I know we just met, but I know I can trust you, I need you Rick okay? Don't ever kill yourself, or I will too.." She laughs, it's nice to see her happy again.

It's nice to feel happy again myself.
Thanks for coming Y/N, Thanks for being you.

"So, Y/N if you don't mind me asking sense you told everything about you, what's Morty doing here?"

Hold the phone

"Wait, you said you loved someone? That someone must being good enough to be in your dreams? You said there was Morty and someone else?" I smirk.

"Pfft, what.. but if you must know, I'll summon them here."

She waves her hand and damn, there they are.

"Jessica?" I mumble

"You know her?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, Morty obsessed with her, he'll jerk off to a photo of her easily, kinky little shit."

"Why can't I burp here? What the hell Y/n?"  I add, but she ignores it,  she turns claps, and both Jessica and Morty disappear.

"How do you know her?" I ask.

"Morty has her a picture of her in his drawer, he went to go get snacks, and he let me barrow some of his clothes. But of course I didn't wear his clothes after that. That shit hurts."

She summons a knife and stabs her heart, nothing happened.

"Look kid I don't usually give a fuccckkk, at all, but why are you so upset about-"

"You're in love with Morty aren't you?"  I grin from ear to ear, it feels weird smiling, I haven't done it very often, but for her, damn I'll smile even when I'm fucking dead. She needs me, I feel like a fucking God, Bitches!!

"If that's what you wanna call it. Love is just chemicals in your brain that trick you into thinking someone's decently attractive."  She makes quotes around attractive.

"Holy shit, that's my belief too. Woah."  That's creepy as fuck.

"Damn."  She said.

"Weddings are just funerals with..cake." I say.

"So you love Morty?"  I change the subject back.

"You won't leave me alone until I tell you the truth, will you?" She chuckles.

"You fuckin know it sister." Damn, I can't burp.

"Yeah, maybe, but he likes Jessica!" She crosses her arms.

"Not anymore he won't. People change for the greater good Y/N, I mean look at me, I never fucking smile! Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!" I smirk.

"But, if he doesn't end up feeling the same, I'm always here for you, I promise, I don't always care for people, not even for my own ex wife, but with you it's different, I just don't want you ending up like me. I'm a wanted criminal in over a thousand dimensions other than C-137" I'm sorta crying I guess?

"And if you need me Rick, I'll be here too." She wipes my tears away.

We hug for a good minute.

"You're about to wake up, I'm gonna leave your dream now, but kept take this to heart okay?"

"I always do Rick." She walks away.

"Hey! I'mma put a gun in your backpack in case you need to kill a motherfucker, or send them away or whatever, don't fuckin kill yourself with it." I wink.

She gives me a thumbs up.

"Thanks Grandpa." I roll my eyes and leave.

------End of Flashback-------

*Back to Rick's classroom*

"You've changed for the greater good Rick, you change for the greater good.."

" Note to self, never be nice to anyone, expect her, again. Fuck being nice!"







Aww Geez! (Morty x Reader) (Complete) *2018*Where stories live. Discover now