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When everything was all over with court and with me and my sister going through what we had went through with my Di we were glad and happy so we could move on.

My sister was able to move on from what happens but it took me a little bit more to get used to the fact that I can't stop it brining my life down so I went with a guy from my high school and though I have to trust him that not all men are the same and wanting sex.

I went with him for about 2 month before I went to stay with him for a night as I fell out with my mum and that was when I lay in the bed I was sleeping in thinking is he going to do it or what just with everything that went on. I finally fell asleep and woke up the next morning to him lying in bed with me to find out he had nothing on and neither did I and I didn't know what happened the only thing that one to my head there and then is please don't tell me I have went through it again.

I got up got changed and went to the toilet then to his living room to sit for a bit before heading back home as I had sorted things out with my family. A little while after I was heading home when he phoned me asking if I was alright yeah I lied and told him I was fine but deep down I wasn't I was scared and hurt all over again thinking why does men do this to me.

I felt like I wanted to tell my mum I went through it all again but then I never as I knew if I did she wouldn't believe me so I kept it to myself again for a year this time before telling anyone what had happened. It went to court and he plead guilty I was happy but just couldn't bring myself to be with men anymore with what had happened so I started to look at women more and think I should try that and see what happens so I did.

MY LIFE SINCE 9 YEAR OLD AND UPWARDS Where stories live. Discover now