Princess Rose

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It was a bit strange for Royal after all she hasn't worn Egyptian clothes and she was coronated as a queen even with her top crop between the golden lines her skirt matches with a beautiful golden designs and a pink cloth that designs within the gold belt her favorite was the jewelry a headdress around her head she loved gold around her arms legs even her ears Wrapped around her shoulders with a very long pink cape. On her shoes beautiful pink Flats with white designs Her eyes become become sharp it because of the eyeliner and Egyptian makeup she haven't wore for a very long time after all she became the new princess the princess of crimson Manor The next day Mill thought of a new plan a plan to get rid of that meddling girl for all and she'll become a queen too so she fought she will be her visor but she put her plans to her best friend which also happens to be her friend was also an ace best friend open banished by the prince you want me to become her visor and pretend that my two sons banished I don't know just trust me I'll come up with a name and then you will kill the prince and the princess will banish their best friends and then I will kill her and then I will be the ruler On the fourth day will look in the mirror Justin didn't feel like running as a prince but then the two boys disguise themselves as chefs decided to surprise him with a cake Suddenly she saw the plan they were going to kill him then a Great Dane and a teen boy went to secretly tell the princess and she save Justin perfect Timely Why is there a cake here and why am I covered and icing? So 2 boys ran Unfortunately by the guy they were stopped suddenly silver recognized then wait a second aren't you the Cellini Brothers the most wanted criminals of all of Tokyo that's right and we would have to kill the prince too If weren't for that meddling princess You save Justin's life again Royal was blushing Ginger on the other hand was sort of blushing while Darren smiled at her Why can't take all the credit it was this man named Norville Rogers and his brave perfect guard. Scooby-Doo Why I should reward you too and never mind that what should I do with these brothers who almost killed the Prince Well it could be punishing and I know the punishment a banishment to the island Forever.Everyone Gasp when they heard that Island What does the brothers have been banished Matilda had enough of a goody two-shoes niece That made her very angry and she and her best friend immediately think of ways to get rid of that girl including her friends. So that night they visited an Evil man and his friends and immediately came up with a plan to eliminate Ginger and her friends Back from the game silver grab the trophy to give to her boyfriend once she saw a banishment sign this is not good I must warn my best friend In her Chambers the princess comb her long brown hair when she heard her bffs. Silver? June? What are you both doing here in my Chambers this is the worst news of the century look it's all 4 of us what does it all mean Don't you get the point your majesty in a few days all four of us will be put to the rack, burned at the stake, and beheaded! Who could have done such a thing take a guess the brothers your aunt your aunt Matilda is behind all of this she hated us from day one and no thanks to the signature for my boyfriend which he doesn't know that he is the pharaoh we're all going to be dead What can I do can't you do something I mean after all you are the queen I can't do anything I know I love him so much but he is so stubborn he forgot who he is. Wait a minute, you're the princess right Yes yes I am you must persuade the prince which is Justin to not banish us! what?!? June you might be my best friend and all but I can't go in there Uninvited remember those Brothers they were banished I can't do this I'm just scared none of this would have happened if I just avoided the deed I'm just as scared. Do you know why you became the princess of Egypt because of my mistake well that and the reason why he chose you remember Justin choose you not because of your beauty and brains it's because you're honest there if your heart just like Ginger . I got to go back my king needs me if you need any help just knock at my chamber door you're welcome anytime Thanks June you might be the queen but you're still my best friend you too even though you are the princess. I know a girl from a castle she might be afraid of who she is that scar remind you of your past don't be afraid of the past and when you stop being afraid you have come so far come on your majesty Do you know who you are? Who am I? I am a princess who run away to find my heart and Destiny it is my goal by my heart I was once a French girl now Egyptian he have chose me for a reason not to be afraid to be who I am And letting go of my past right now my heart rising from the sunlight I don't care if people don't know my name but I do My name is Athena! June's right I shouldn't be afraid I am going to speak to my prince The next day Royal decided to speak to Light inside his Chambers but the problem was she was afraid she was a little nervous speaking to him she hasn't spoke to him for a very long time Good morning princess Ginger. then it's settled on the execution will be on Friday morning and then we'll be rid of that evil people .My niece! Did you invite my niece ? No, but that's okay she is my friend come in The keep the secret between you and me usually for a prince I punish people uninvited by death or punishment but to you and your friends you're always welcome to my Chambers as long as you wish thank you I guess I picked this for you I know you like roses. Thank you I'm not but the flower what are you doing here my niece I mean my favorite princess well I want to to invite you the pharaoh,the Prince and your friend to dinner tonight. You know I haven't even for a very long time pick the time and place the garden at 8 Sharp grab June and it's a date She is nice no longer Justin picked her she's always nice just like her mother.Not to mention a keeper That night the princess needed an idea to tell her prince charming that her aunt and her friend are both weasels but she tells him that he laugh at her. So she needed the idea not only for her best friend but the king's help Justin I have favor if you can if you and your best friend to come to dinner with me and June tomorrow night again that's perfect a double date of course but on one condition I get to come of course I don't want to hurt myself . What's wrong why you pulling your hair I can't tell Justin that I invited him and Atem on a double date that's perfect now you can persuade him that those two are weasels Why is it always difficult to become a Egyptian princess.Hello June and today you and your friends will be put to the rack burned the stake and beheaded of course I could spare your life if the princess can make me her a visor she has made up her mind Noir and Crow are her best friends and she would not give up in the world and I bowed only to my Lord than you You'll never get away with this Matilda once Atem hears about this you'll be sorry he might be stubborn but he is my boyfriend my boyfriend to the end. I might be the ant but I am the king's perfect a right-hand woman and you just turn your right way trip to your death tonight! Your majesty do I have to read your schedule I mean this is a little bit hard I know but I can't sleep I keep dreaming that I didn't do a good thing it says here that the Great Dane and the man save your life you mean Rogers and doo that's the one I never thank them how do I'd be a bad Prince I must thank them Perhaps a card or something that might work Mill I need some advice I need to thank someone do you have any this someone needs a parade a parade yes make that someone wear your finest cape and rode on your finest carriage Maybe wear one of your head dresses add at the Pharaoh and the Princess and the Queen including one of your people riding on the streets and said even yourself and said this is the person that saved my life including his /her pet And he is a great man to be along with his pet and he is a knight in shining Armour and he's my new friend Engenius smart even find me Rogers and doo they might wear my finest cloaks and as for my girl well we might do something will rides on horses and you might be the one in the front I am honored your majesty Whatever it takes to get rid of you and that pathetic girlfriend of yours even your friends The princess got to do something fast and it will take the queen to help her persuade her boyfriend so that night in her Chambers I wonder what's taking my aunt so long thanks for the parade no problem Anything it takes to get rid of those people Time night what are you here for nice spit out the main reason it remember don't be afraid Prince Justin someone is eliminating us one by one And tomorrow will be put to the rack burned at the stake and beheaded Calm down baby doll who would do such a thing my evil aunt and her friend Don't listen to her she has brain trauma come on.Atem does she have any proof I do the queen give this to me it's all 4 of us on the execution list those are the people who saved his life They're my friends and I treated them like family to them they treat me like a sister but to me I treat them like brothers We're busted what do you mean we? I'm out of here you there bust the four of us and bust my only people who save my life They have secretly built a guillotine a rack and a stick to kill us all how convenient it shall be use for her instead take her away along with everyone else who dare scheme against us The evil woman was never seen again but the evil woman went away again the meddling kids got Matilda's old job and Melvin agreed that he should be the guard Royal while she was proud hover spiritual friend Ginger she told her not to be afraid of anything anymore along with her friend June and silver she can run this Kingdom with a kind hand and as for her boyfriend well he apologized for being stubborn with Atem's help of course he was being stubborn to and Rule decidedly fairly with their clever and smart girlfriends

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