Full Moon

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She forced herself to look up at the bright moon and remembered what he said about his mother bringing the potion. Did he even know how to make it? If he didn't they were both in trouble. She remembered that this was Draco, he had been a werewolf before, so he should be okay. She forced herself to turn around and head back to the Manor, this was a way to dangerous for her. Werewolves without the potion couldn't control themselves. He would kill her if she ran into him, she would have to come back and look for him in the morning when he was in human form. It would be better for both of them. She scuttled back into the Manor, making sure to shut the doors behind her. This would be a rough night.

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Without Draco, her dreams had been bad again. This time she imagined werewolves biting as torturing her, but the sun was up when she tugged on boots and a coat. The first thing she did was dash over to the secret stairs, she quickly ran down them, and darted out of the Manor. She had to find Draco. She roamed the gardens until she came to the end of it all. This is where she had first come into the Malfoy Manor, for the second time she walked out of the grounds of the mansion.

She walked around for nearly an hour, just looking for him. She had looked through a forest, another wasteland, and now she was walking along the side of a dry ravine, and that's where she saw it, a male figure at the bottom. She saw him down there, and she immediately started skidding down the side of the steep ravine to get to him. He never moved even when she got to him and began to shake him violently.

"DRACO?!" She screamed in his ear, hoping he would wake up. She could tell he was breathing, but they were delicate shallow breaths. She recalled how warm he was last night, and how now his skin was ice-cold. She stopped shaking him momentarily, leaning her head down, and placing it over his heart. She could hear it beating a soft unsteady flutter. She picked up her skating again, once again rocking him back and forth yelling in his ear.

Her arms were growing tired, and she had yelled herself hoarse. She let out one last call, and to her surprise, he responded. But not in the way she would have liked.

His hand shot up and grasped her neck, he had a tight grip on her and she gagged from the pressure. He was snarling up until she started clawing at his hand in a vain attempt for him to break the hold. Even though her futile efforts, his grip stayed the same.

"Draco?" She choked out. At the sound of her voice, his eyes flickered open, and she noted his eyes weren't their usual gray hue, now they were a gold tint. When he saw, his grip released and his hand fell to the ground.

"Granger?" He whispered, she weakly nodded and draped his arm over her shoulders.

"No really Granger, we don't need to do this the muggle way. We can just apparate."

"What, NO! I don't want to splinch you, that happened to Ron once... No. We are taking this the muggle way." He rolled his eyes at her comment, but never the less, stood up and staggered back to the Manor with Hermione's help.

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He sighed as she opened the large doors to the Manor, once again that day the couple walked up the staircase, but this time it was Hermione who was catching Draco. They got up to the bedroom, and she brought him over to the bed. She forced him to sit down, and he willingly obeyed.

"What did you do? Why were you in the ravine?" She asked eyeing his shirt that was torn up.

"I don't know, this is the first time that's happened." He tried to sit up to look her in the eye, but when he tried his bloody hand flew to his side.

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