Namjoon Imagine

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Requested: @bts_bound

Theme: Angst

Warnings: Fight



I stared at the clock. Just praying that this would end. Trying to count the seconds until it was over. But it seemed to go on forever. The clock became blurry as another wave of tears came over me. A shock of thunder made me jump. There was also a big storm tonight.

It was a Friday night, the night we all have movie night and relax. Spend some quality time together. But, tonight took a turn for the worst. I don't even remember how it started. I don't know how long its been going on for.

I felt scared, humiliated and upset. I couldn't stop crying. Namjoon, my long time boyfriend was screaming at me in front of the rest of the boys. They had tried to intervine but Namjoon snapped at them to.

We all knew why he was being like this. Stress. That stupid five letter word was tearing us apart. He was trying to relieve stress. Onto me. And it felt horrible. Thunder was heard and lightening was soon seen past Namjoons shoulder and out the window. Making the entite situation more dark and terrifying.

"Namjoon stop she didn't even do anything," Yoongi stepped in trying to calm down his leader. But to no use.

"STAY OUT OF THIS MIN YOONGI!" Yoongi gave me an apologetic look as Namjoon continued his verbal attack on me. I couldn't control my breathing from my sobs. All of the boys looked like sad lost puppies, I was a mess and Namjoon was a firing volcano. No one could control him.

I had to leave.

As soon as I step outside my hair and clothes get soaked. My skin gets goosebumps but more importantly the screaming gets softer the further I run. I didn't know where I was running. In the distance the crack of lighting was seen and I knew it was dangerous to be out in a storm.

I stopped when I reached a bus stop. I sat down but the heavy unmerciful rain still hit me. I started to shiver. I tried to bite my lip to stop the the mad shivering. I tuck my legs up to my chest and cry even more.

I love Namjoon, I really do but, he can't take his stress out on me like that. Especially in front of the boys.

Namjoon's POV.

"NAMJOON THAT IS ENOUGH!" Yoongi yelled stepped in front of me as the door was wide open. I went to yelled back as my fists were clenched. But I looked into Yoongi's eyes and saw my reflection. I looked crazy. Who was I?

"Namjoon? Are you back with us?" Jin asked hopefully. I felt my anger leave me only to be filled with guilt and regret. How stupid can I be? I unclenched my fists and slouched over in shame and realisation. What have I done?

Jimin steps forward.

"Namjoon hyung, you messed up. Big time. You're girlfriend is out in the pouring rain and storm because of you treating her like crap. You have to go and find her." Jimin said putting his hands on my shoulder.

I look outside and lighting and thunder hits again. I quickly move into action. I grab my car keys and get in my car. I had to find her. I was filled with worry and anxiety.

What is she is hurt? What if she got lost? What if something bad happened to her? Its all my fault. I drove around the city for half an hour  until I saw a small shaking figure leant on a bus stop bench. That had to be her.

I parked and jumped out of my car. The rain hit me but I didn't care. I ran towards Y/N and grabbed her arms. She was frozen cold. I shook her lightly. She slowly opened her eyes. They were red from crying and her body was turning blue.

She had hypothermia. I cursed out loud and picked her up bridal style. I quickly opened the back door and laid her against all the chairs. I had to warm her up. I had blankets and spare clothes in the boot from our last date we went on.

I was acting on adrenaline and fear. I wanted to scream and curl up. But she was barely moving. She tried to speak but couldn't. I quickly stripped Y/N down and grabbed the warm spare clothes from the back.

In expert timing she was fully clothes in dry clothes. But she was still quite cold. I grabbed a bunch of blankets and turned up the heat in the car. I was also shivering. I sat Y/N on my lap and covered us with blankets. 

She was slowly starting to warm up and wake up. I cuddled her so she can get a little of the body warmth that I had left. We sat there for nearly 15 minutes.

I loved this girl so much and to know that this is all my fault was the worst part. She could of been killed because of my stupid actions. I don't know if she was listening or not but I started to talk.

"Y/N, I'm so so sorry! This is all my fault. I shouldn't of taken out my stress on you. I love you so much and you deserve so much better. I hope you can forgive me. I don't know what I'd do without you. You're my life Y/N."


There you go I hoped you liked it ❤❤

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