Jihoon Imagine

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Requested: @kpopiimages13

Theme: Fluff/Angst

Warning: None


Y/N's POV.

I ran into the school grounds as rain poured down. My hair was getting wet and I was nearly under cover. I made it to dry land and tried to fix myself up the best I could.

I look out and see many other students running out of the rain. My eyes catch my best friend running with his jacket over his head. I couldn't help but laugh at him. He runs up beside me shaking out his wet hair like a dog.

"You ready for the first day of highschool!?" He seemed excited. I was not and he saw the look on my face.

"No. I'm not ready. But at least you're here with me!" He was way too excited for school. But he made me smile.

"Cmon Y/N cheer up!" Jihoon whined. I looked at him as he started to do aegyo to cheer me up. And it worked. His cuteness made me blush even thoigh we were just friends I felt something different.
*1 year later*
The sun was shining as I stepped into the school gates. My hair was in a tight ponytail and I had a new bag.

For the first time in a while I was late to school and Jihoon was early. We met in homeroom and I saw his eyes sparkle. I beamed at him. I felt my heartflutter everytime I saw him.

"Hey Jihoon!" I sit down next to him but he just stared at me. I hadn't seen him much over the summer break and he had grown a lot taller and if possible more handsome.

"What is there something on my face?" I wipe at my face and he shakes his head and laughs while looking down.

"No...you just look really beautiful." He looked at me and I couldn't help but blush.

"Thank you."

Gosh he was so cute.
*1 year later*
I waited for my boyfriend at the school gate. We've been dating for 7 months now and hung out the entire holidays. I searched for him until I saw his black hoodie that I loved.

"Y/N!" He cheered and had his arms wide open for me.

"Jihoon!" I hugged him as he landed a kiss on my forehead. A lot had changed. People had started to move out of the town because jobs were starting to close down so our classmates had become fewer but as long as Jihoon and I were together it was okay.

It wasn't long until we were finished school but for now we kept going. Jihoon and I had been friends for so long and growing up we had both developed feelings for each other. He was a perfect boyfriend and best friend.

My phone ringing made me pull away from Jihoon. It was my mum. I answered on the third ring.

"Hey mum,"

"Hey sweetie. Your dad is coming to pick you up from school so meet us at the office."

"What why? Has something happened?" I ask growing worried.

"Everything is okay sweetie. Just go to the office," The line went dead after that. I slowly pulled the phone from my ear.

"Is everything okay Y/N?" Jihoon asked clearly worried from the confused expression on my face.

"Uh yeah. I gotta go. I'll text you," I run off to the office leaving no explanation. Jihoon called out my name but I didn't stop.

I arrived at the office and my dad wad there are promised. It was silent the entire way home. When I walked inside my mum and dad both faces me as I dropped my bag at the door.

"What's going on? Why are you acting wierd?" I asked, they looked uncomfortable.

"Y/N. As you know...a lot of people are starting to move because of the lake of jobs, and it's starting to become tight for us..." Mum started but Dad finished it.

"We are moving. To a new state and you're going to a new school. In two weeks" He said bluntly.

My heart dropped as I couldn't believe the words they were saying. Moving? Two weeks? What are I going to tell Jihoon!? When do I tell him!? How do I tell him!?

I felt tears start to form as I ran to my room. I dropped to the floor and couldn't help but start to cry. I was scared of the future. I was scared of leaving everyone behind. I was scared of change.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Jihoon trying to collect myself before he answered. It rung a few times and knew he would be at lunch. He answered and I could hear people at school in the background.

"Hey Y/N! Is everything okay you just disappeared?" I tried to open my mouth to speak but instead a sob came out.

"Woah what's wrong!? Where are you? Do you want me to come and pick you up?"

I sniffed and spoke. "No its okay, Im at home and you're at school," I tried to be kind and hold my tears back.

"No that doesn't matter. I'll be there in 10." He hung up after that. A part of be was glad that he was coming. I needed to tell him and cry with him. I walked past my parentd who didn't see me and out the front door. I sat outside on the curb crying.

It wasn't even 10 minutes until his car pulled up. He was by my side in seconds. Jihoon pulled me to his chest

"Hey talk to me," he rubbed my back and pulled me away so he could see my eyes.

"We are moving away in two weeks." His face dropped when he realised what I was saying.

"T-two weeks?" He stuttered in shock. I saw tears start to form in his own eyes. He pulled me in for a tighter hug not knowing what to say. None of us said anything. We stayed there hugging each other.

"I don't know how. But even if we aren't living in the same area. We won't grow apart. I promise."

But I didn't know if that was true. Distance can tear people apart.

There you go I hoped you liked it xx

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