Jungkook Imagine

884 18 2


Requested: shaemful

Theme: Angst/Fluff

Warnings: None


Y/N's POV.

"No Namjoon I don't want to eat your food. I've got standards." I grumble out before walked up to my room. I knew what I said would of hurt him. But it was the truth. He wasn't the best cook. He would probably make the onion cry.

I was told that I was an insensitive person and I've accepted that, so has the rest of the boys. They have learnt to not take it to heart. I've been living with them for 3 years now. I had my own room which I was very grateful for.

As soon as I walked into my room and shut the door into one of the boys face, I changed. My sour face turned sad. My eyes and shoulders dropped. It was like I was wearing a facade everytime I walk back into the safety of my room.

Its been that way for months. I had never told the boys, I don't like talking about my problems, I don't see the point in it. I slid down the door just like every other day for the past few months.

Things haven't been so well lately. These past months I haven't been myself, but the boys never noticed, I was pretty good at hiding it. I had no reason. Which made it even worse. I felt guilty for even being sad all the time. I heard Yoongi shout my name and I sighed. I wiped a stray tear and walked out the door.

"Yeah whats up?" I say while walking into the living room. I saw Jungkook was home. My eyes lingered on him for a little longer until I saw Yoongi. He didn't seem very happy.

"Why did you slam the door in Jhopes face?" Yoongi said, I saw a sniffling Hoseok behind him. I wanted to roll my eyes. But I felt bad. I don't fit in here. I don't even know why they keep me around. When I don't reply this made Yoongi even more mad.

"Y/N! Stop being so insensitive! You have no problems, not one but that doesn't mean we don't okay! So stop acting all high and mighty," That hit me.


I wanted to mumble and scream. No problems? Just because I don't show it, I've been having problems for months. I nod my head and walk away. Pretending as if his words had no effect on me.

**Hours later**

It was 2 in the morning and everyone was asleep. I tried to muffle my crying into a pillow. Why am I such a mess? What's wrong with me? I was too wrapped up in my own sadness that I didn't hear the door open.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I jumped at the sound of Jungkooks voice. I looked at him as he turned my lights on. He wore a white shirt and sweatpants. He saw my bloodshot puffy eyes and the tears. I moved my face out of sight.

"Yeah I'm fine, go to sleep,"

He stares at me with worry in his eyes, and he walked out. That hurt like a tonne of bricks collapsed on me. I wanted him to stay. After months of feeling alone, I wanted him to stay. I continued my quiet cries until I saw him walk back in.

"What are you doing?" I ask with a scratchy voice.

He grabbed my hand without a word and pulls me out of bed and soon I was standing outside. He said nothing. Next minute Jungkook was driving us off into the night. He looked over at me quickly as I stopped my cries.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see,"

I always liked Jungkook. As much as I hated to admit it. He was nice to me and never go offended by what I said. Jungkook drove for another fifteen minutes until he stopped. I got out of the car at the same time as him.

I smelt the salty ocean. I felt the wind blow my hair. It was refreshing. I heard the waves down below crashing onto the black rocks. We were at a lookout over the ocean. It was beautiful during the night.

He grabbed my hand and I followed him. He sat down on a patch of grass and I followed. The view was amazing. It was calm and peaceful, even a little personal. We sat side by side and he looked at me.

"Y/N, you haven't been the same lately, I don't know whats been going on and you don't have to tell me. You don't even have to say anything. You just have to listen..." He paused as I waited.

"I don't want to see you crying, especially alone. I know it wasn't the first time. Please come and get me whenever you need. I really like you Y/N. I have for a while. And I hate seeing the girl I love in pain. You don't have to hide it anymore,"

I stared at him as he confessed to me on this beautiful night. He tore his gaze from mine and looked out at the ocean. I didn't know what to say. I was never good with words. So instead I moved his arm and got closer to him.

His arm wrapped around me as I felt his warmth. The wind blew softly as I looked up at him in awe. I kissed his cheek. He looked down in suprise. He was probably expecting rejection. Jungkook smiled warmly and pulled me closer.


There you go I hoped you liked it xx

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