Hoshi Imagine

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Requested: @crazy_sonyeodan

Theme: Cute, Happy

Warnings: None


Okay IM SORRY I WAS LAZY. Instead of googling what his last name is cause I can't remember I just wrote (his last name) Im sorry. Sue me😂❤Anyway I have a LOT of Seventeen and Bts chapter requests so...I will mix them up slightly so you aren't getting a whole heap of Bts or seventeen at once? If thats okay?
Y/N's POV.

We had both finally finished unpacking our suitcases at the resort for Hoshi and mine honeymoon and I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. We just got married not even a day ago and now I'm spending a week at this beautiful place with my husband.

I was nervous of course about the wedding but it was the most magical and memorable moment of my life and I couldn't be happier. There was a large room with a large white sheeted bed in the middle.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and hair tickled my neck. Hoshi kissed my cheek still having a tight grip on my waist.

Life seemed to be so perfect when I was with him.

"Y/N (his last name) , has a nice ring to it don't you think?" He said winking and I couldn't help but blush. I was Mrs (his last name) . I wouldn't want another name or husband.

It was late at night and the outside waters sparkled in the beautiful moonlight. The sky was clear and the stars bright. It was a perfect night. Hoshi gently lead me onto the bed and sat me down when he kissed me.

I kissed back without a thought and wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him closer to me. His hands roamed my back as we laid down on the bed planning to have some fun.

~~Skipping to morning~~

I woke up early in the morning looking at my husband's face but soon had to rush out of bed towards the toilet. The vile substance came out of my mouth and I puked everything out.

I tried my best to be quiet to not wake Hoshi up. I can't be getting sick on my honeymoon of all times. After everything was out of my system I flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth then brushed my teeth.

Just as I finished up I heard Hoshi groan meaning he was waking up. I walked out to where he was and sat on the bed. The next thing I knew Hoshi and gently pulled my down on the bed next to him and cuddled me.

I laughed as I snuggled closer to him and his chest was pressed up against back. He kissed my cheek smile mumbling a cute 'goodmorning'

I saw my self through the mirror, I didn't look sick and something felt different. I wasn't sick.

I slid out of Hoshi arms and grabbed my phone and dialed someone who would know. My mum picked up sounding chipper.

"Hey Y/N, how's it going. Your dad says hi," She says and I could practically see her smile.

"Hey mum, I'm good tell dad I said hi back but I need to ask you something. I've been vomiting but I know for a fact I'm not sick."

"You might need to go and buy a test then dear." She says calmly. My heart stopped but I quickly said a goodbye and sat down. I can't be pregnant. It's not possible?

But just in case I quickly drove down to the nearby shops while Hoshi slept and bought one. I kept telling myself how stupid I was being. There's no way I'm pregnant. I went back into our bathroom and read the instructions.

A few minutes later and I was biting my nails and tapping my foot on the tiles as the results came in.


I was pregnant with Hoshi's baby. Our baby! My mouth hung open wide. We had talked about kids but I didn't know it was going to be now. How is Hoshi going to react? What if it ruins our marriage? His career? I held out the test in front of my face when I heard Hoshi groaning and getting out of bed.

"Y/N, you in there? Everything okay?" He said through the door. He didn't wait for an answer when he came in. I didn't do anything just stood there shocked.

"Hoshi, I-I'm pregnant!" I breathed out. He suddenly 'woke up' and his eyes widened. My stomach grew with nerves when he didn't do anything.

"I'm going to be a dad?" He said looking at me. I nodded then a smile cracked in his face as he screamed in joy and ran and hugged me.

"I love you so much. This is perfect." I let out a breath of relief knowing he was happy. I had a wide smile on my face as well as we tightly hung onto each other.

He pulled away and pressed his lips onto mine. I smiled into the kiss knowing we were all going to be a family.

"I couldn't ask for a better life. I've got a beautiful wife, my dream job, and now a soon to be happy family. I love you so much."

I blushed, we were both truly happy. I can't wait to tell our family. I know they would all be very supportive of us and whatever choice we make.

I smiled down at the test still in my hand. This was my mums decision to take it and I told Hoshi that. He said that we should call her still smiling widely. I nodded and dialed her again for the 2nd time today.

"Hey Mum," I said, this time I think she could see my smile.

"Hey how'd it go??"

"I'm pregnant!" I squel in joy.



There you go I hoped you liked it xx


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