[When I Was Cyanide]

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Will - One

Will Solace, Local Teen, Captured by Death and Lived to Tell the Tale!

A news paper headline read, which Will had ripped out and tapped to his bedroom wall. Along with pictures of his dad, mom, and a few friends. He looked at them carefully, memories flooding his mind from the year before. . .

Exiting the doors of the hideout of Death. Will felt his hearty shatter, it was weird. To be in the woods, and not have Nico with him.

Even after all the trouble he had caused, yelling at Nico seemed to do nothing. The harsh words he had said came back to him, and with each step he took, his heart broke a little more.

His throat still ached from both being choked, and screaming his anger out at Nico. His head buzzed with annoyance.

The sun was to bright.

Everything was to loud.

He could hear cars drive by at fast speeds, no doubt there was a highway nearby. Will squinted his eyes, his hand hitting a tree lightly.

"Hey, hey you!" A voice screamed at him.

Will looked over, a small boy running up to him. "Hi." Will greeted, trying to keep the sadness from breaking through.

The boys hazel eyes widened, he looked no more than 10.

"Aren't you Will Solace?" He questioned.

Weirded out, Will was hesitant to answer. ". . . Yeah." Yawning, Will realize just how tired he really was. "You're hurt." The boy realized, looking at Will's arm.

"Oh." Will said, finally realizing that his arm was bleeding. The stinging wound hasn't bothered him.

"I guess I am." He replied dull-fully, looking at the wound.

"You should get to a hospital or something, it looks back!" The kid exclaimed, fear shown in his eyes. Will let out a soft chuckle.

"I'm glad you care and all, but I'm a teenager. I can take care of myself. Bye." And with those words, Will left the boy. Abandoning the 10 year old as if he was nothing. Ignoring how his mother raised him for several minutes.

Sitting down against a tree, Will looked at his arm.

He placed his hand on it, willing the wound to close as a warm glow took place. Shining on the wound, a golden glow illuminated Will's face. Making him smile as the blood was no longer coming out of his wound, and the only trace it was ever there was the drying blood.

"Will! Get down here!" A woman's shrill voice cried, Will in the middle of putting on some skinny jeans as his thoughts broke. "One second!" The blonde teen hollered back.

Will was now 16, his blonde hair was dyed red at the tips. And his body had definitely filled out more. The hint of muscle he had gotten from the gym still there, his tan glowing golden as he walked down the stairs.

"Someone's here to meet you." His (non-biological) aunt (who just wished he'd call her his aunt)— Lexi— informed him. Her brown hair nearly hitting his (not really) cousin's small face as she turned fiercely to face Will.

Confused, Will nodded. "Who is it?" He questioned, his hands fumbling with his white shirt's long sleeves.

A My Chemical Romance shirt was over the white shirt, the black color of his jeans matching the band shirt.

"He said his name was. . . Nico?" (Aunt) Lexi stated questioningly. "Yeah! And he looked scary! He had scars on his face! And down his arms! And his hair was choppy, like mines was when I cut my bangs!" His cousin— Rosa— exclaimed, grabbing her chopped blonde bangs to make her point.

She was small, big doe eyes, and had recently turned three. . . Not that that was important at the time.

Because that name made Will stop.

"N-Nico did you say?" Will asked his aunt. "Yes. Is there a problem with him?"

Will's hands gave small trembled as he forced a smile. "No! I ju-just was with him when I was kid-kidnapped." Will lied, his mind slowly having some large eternal panicking session.

"Well he's out on the porch." Lexi commented before taking Rosa and going into the kitchen. The pot of noddles still boiling.

With a harsh swallow, Will walked out to the porch. Looking into the eyes he had thought he would never see after last years. . . Argument.

"Get in the car." Nico demanded, his hand pointing to a black limo in the driveway.

His dark eyes radiated strength, Nico's face covered in long white scars. Starting at his ears, and extending vertically to his cheek bones. 5 on each side, some resembling lightning bolts, and some looking more jagged than the others.

"What happe—" "I said get in the car." Nico interrupted.


"Call me Death." Nico paused, looking at Will again. "Now get in the car, Cyanide."

"No!" Will refused, "And that's not who I am." He argued, his arms folding.

Nico sighed, "I didn't want to do this." He stated, his hands going to his pocket. He pulled out a gun.

"Now, get in the car." Nico growled, the gun pointed at Will's head.

"Gosh dang it, I'm being kidnapped by Death again." Will muttered, waking to the limo.

Not too bad?
Idk. It seems good?
- Bridget

When I Was Cyanide (A Pjo, HoO, & a Solangelo Fanfiction) ❎Where stories live. Discover now