[When I Was Cyanide]

243 21 9

Will - Four

"What's going on?!" Will exclaimed as Nico continued to hold his hand. Running down the halls of his hideout. "It's not safe." Nico panted, yanking both of their bodies left. Resulting in both of them slamming into the metal sheeted walls.

Will hissed in pain, his shirt sleeve ripping. "Why are—" Nico glared at him, and Will just stopped. He stopped talking, stopped his racing thoughts, and just stopped trying to be mad at him. Nico's eyes were emotional. Just like that day at McDonalds. Just like when he brought him to see his mom.

"Shut up before I kill you myself." Nico growled, quickly bringing out a knife to Will's neck. This ended up bringing Will out of his trance like state. Nodding mutely, Nico removed the weapon and shoved it in his pocket. He then started to sprint again. Will had no choice but to go after him (really trailing behind him).

Running against the wall, Will couldn't help but let out an occasional whimper. His arm stinging with pain, blood starting to dampen his skin.

Finally stopping again, Will tightened his grip on Nico's hand.

Nico couldn't help but notice.

"Tell me, what's going on, Nico?" Will asked, voice barely above a hoarse whisper. Nico had to strain his ears just to hear him.

Sighing softly, Nico looked back at him again. "They went against us. This hideout is there's, But I need it back." Will, confused, gave him a small nod to go on.

Nico rolled his eyes, but continued. "Annabeth and Piper have taken it. They were one of the best. Nearly matching my skill if you had to compare us."

Will huffed, then carefully looked behind him. Eyeing the woods with caution.

"That doesn't answer my questions." He stated, glancing back at Nico.

"Listen, Cyanide–"


Nico rolled his eyes. "You're up for missions again." Nico stated.

"Um, no!"

"That wasn't a question." Nico looked behind Will. The trees rustling in what Will thought was the wind. "Your first mission starts now."

"What?!" Will exclaimed, only to be turned around. A man standing by a tree. His face in a smirk. Hands holding a small hand pistol.

A crimson colored mask covered at least half of his face. Tight leather boots clinging to the (assumingly) man's feet. Both feet terrible disfigured, oddly angled and all.

Will looked to his face again. Ignoring the small hand pistol the person had in their hands.

Nearly gasping, his eyes widened.

Those were Nico's eyes.

But. . .

Nico was right there. Behind him, smiling to himself creepily.

So that left one person who had the same eyes. Nico's father. But he's dead? Right?

"Hello Father. Seems you've been fixed up nicely." Nico commented, walking up next to Will. The teen slipping Will his knife silently.

Nico's father's eyes hardened. "Death." He replied.

"I see you've taken up to your old pawn. What are you going to do now?" He asked, clearly unamused by Will. And eyes unaware of the secret weapon exchange between the two boys.

Nico let out a forced laugh.

"This guy? He's just a little training method before I get to you. Heard that you're not human anymore. Especially since I blew up your body."

This time, Hades (Nico's father) laughed. "You only blew up my trust in you, son."

Will bit his lip, looking at Nico. Nico gave a small nod, then followed it up by saying "Same to you father." Both praying that Hades wouldn't find it. . . Suspicious.

"Excuse me, that's no way to think of your father, is it?" Hades softly teased, making his way towards the boy.

Will's heart rate sped up, his eyes now on the pistol.

"It is if your old man is a monster." Nico spat.

The pistol went off, and so did Will's anger as he stabbed Hades in the neck.

Whoooo, long time since I've updated. Hope you enjoyed!!

- Bridget

When I Was Cyanide (A Pjo, HoO, & a Solangelo Fanfiction) ❎Where stories live. Discover now