·Chapter One·

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I turned over and frowned. She's gone. The spot on the bed beside has become empty. "Don't worry, I'm just in the bathroom" the croaking voice rang. She must have heard me wake up. Damn good hearing I guess.

I grunted in response and rolled over to face the bathroom door.

Minute later the door slowly opened in Monicas attempt to not wake her dad up.

She walked over and flopped on the bed and grunted like a zombie "Its only 6am" she croaked and pulled the pillow over her face. Sadly, Monica's complaint was correct. The sun was just barely comeing through her blinds.

I rolled over again and picked my phone up, quickly putting the password in and reading my messages. Nothing really new, just my roommate wondering where I ran off to.

"What day is it" she mumbled into the pillow "Wednesday" I answered and turned my phone off, putting it down and snuggling back into the blanket. She mumbled about hating wednesday then moved the pillow "I don't wanna get up" she whispered, letting her morning voice settle down.

I nodded in agreement and sat up "I actually have stuff to do today and so do you" I said, slipping off the bed and grabbed my phone "Don't remind me" she mumbled and stood up also. She walked out of the room and stumbled into the wall, trying to find her way to the stairs.

Monica really just walked out of her room wearing underwear and a T-shirt, which I'm pretty sure is mine. We're not even dating and she's stealing my clothes.

"Mony! Learn to walk!" I heard farmtruck yell from his room. It scared Monica so bad that she slipped and fell down the last three steps "Dammit Dad!" She hollered back.

Laughing, I went and picked her arm "I just wanted cereal" she whined once I got her back onto her feet. I kissed her head and helped her to the kitchen.

I sat on the stool and watched as Monica struggled to reach the back of the pantry for the boxes. I simply just sat there chuckling at her struggles until she grabbed the box and put it in front of me "Its too early to deal with you" she mumbled and went to the fridge. Me and Farmtruck broke into laughter "Its always too early to be dealing with him" he agreed. I gasped and opened the cereal box "If anything, its too early to deal with Mony. She cant even walk down the stairs" I shot back while pouring Monica some cereal and then myself some. She huffed and poured milk into her bowl. I did the same and got up to put it away when a phone went off up stairs "Ill get it" she huffed and walked up stairs, mumbling the whole way.

"Goodbye?" She yelled before we heard a phone hit the floor "Fuck! My bad!" She hollered down the stairs.

"I worry about her sometimes" Farm said while eating his bowl of cereal. I nodded and did the same.


I jumped out of the truck and walked into the shop. The room was quiet as I walked in "You wanted me to come sit and debate life with you?" I joked and crossed my arms, looking around the room full of boys. Monkey and Chris were sitting on creepers beside Elco while Shawn and Justin spun around on stools. All their heads shot towards me but relaxed when they realized it was just me. I always feel real spoiled and loved around here.

"We're bored" monkey stated and threw a can of sprite near me. I caught it and chuckled "So im the planner today. Good. First things first, get in my truck" I stated.

They all looked at me to see how serious I was. When they realized I was more then 100% serious, they all jumped up and walked past me "told ya we should have waited. Now she's gonna kill us" Shawn mumbled to Chris. "I heard you young man!" I called after him and followed behind the group.


"I'm gonna drag your ass!" Shawn yelled from behind me. I chuckled and kept my foot on the pedal "Not before I drag your ass" monkey called.

Justin was in his go-kart about a whole turn away from me while I led the group of idiots. Of course Chris was in the back just trying to get Monkey to move over.

I got closer to Justin and tried to get him on a turn but we ran out of lane "Boom Bitch!" Justin yelled and started doing victory donuts. I frowned and bumped into him, knocking the both of us off "Sore Loser" Chris hollered causing us all to break into a fit of laughter.

Once we all got our papers, we hauled ass out of there. "Yall want food?" I asked, slowing down so that I didn't pass a Sonic. An agreement of "yeah"s answered so I pulled into sonic and let them all order for themselves.

As we were waiting, my phone went off and "I don't dance" by Lee Brice rang through the air. Justin looked at me in a "told you so" kind of way so I punched his shoulder and picked up the phone

"Hey Azn, what's up?" I asked, looking out the window "We're out fishing but I left you enough money to get us dinner. Get whatever you decide" he said. I smiled at his voice, I haven't talked to him since this morning, "Uhm is pizza good?" I asked just as the lady with our food stopped in front of my window. I held the phone was my shoulder and handed out the food to the guys "Do you want a cup holder?" She asked, I nodded "Thanks" "are you at Sonic without me" Azn asked, faking his gasp. I laughed and muted it so he couldn't hear me "Do you mind getting me a Rocky icecream bowl, hopefully with a lid?" I asked her, she nodded and skated back towards the door "Alright ill call you later, love you" Azn whispered the last bit like he was surrounded by his friends. I chuckled

"See ya later, love you too" I said and hung up. "Don't say it" I mumbled and grabbed my card, paying and driving off once she brought me Azn's icecream.

"Well I gotta work on the nova so I guess this is goodbye" Shawn said and side hugged me. Ive been sitting at the shop for hours and its now 10pm. I hugged back "Alright, well Ive gotta go pick up the pizza so ill see you boys later" I said then went and hugged everybody else.

I got the pizza boxes into the passenger seat and flew out of the drive through. I put my hand on the boxes so they didn't fall then quickly cut a corner and got onto the street. Wagon wheel by Darius Rucker played through my truck and I tapped along until I pulled into my drive way.

Azn's car was here but my dads wasn't so I took that as their still out fishing.

I closed the door with my foot and put the pizza on the counter. Azn's money still sat on the table so I just put it in a pair of his pants that he had in my room. Don't ask why.

I turned the TV on and laid on the couch. God damn its been a long day. Rolling over, I faced away from the TV and fell asleep.

An Old Farmtruck [Azn] Where stories live. Discover now