·Chapter Three·

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I kept staring at the trailer. My baby sat in the trailer. I cant believe I fucked up something so full of life. Its been a whole week since the wreck and a good three days since Justin and Shawn came over to pull me off the list. They wanted to wait on telling me because they know how "unstable" I am. I'm not unstable, I just haven't fully taken in the fact that some thing I worked so hard on and put so much money in, is sitting in a trailer in multiple chunks. Something I basically put my whole life into.

"Hey baby" He called as he walked over. Ive been sitting on tires for hours now just staring. It wasn't hard to find me "We're going out to get Sonic. I know what you want. Just text us if you need help with anything" azn said and kissed my cheek. I smiled and nodded.

He hasn't been acting different. I mean I can tell deep down he's still trying to figure out what happened. Hell we all are. But its plain and simple. I'm just not that good of a racer as we thought I was. But other then that, he just doesn't really kiss me as much and when I asked why, he said he didn't want to do something so soon. He's a perfect human being. But I cant deal with people right now. And I know ill have to tell him sooner or later but I'm not sure if I can let go of two things in my life. The two main things that I love and cherish.

After I heard their truck leave the driveway, I got up with my phone and jumped into my truck.

I pulled up into a gas station and put the pump in before walking inside. I grabbed a six pack of beers and a bag of chips before going to the desk "Well good evening Mony" the cashier said before ringing my stuff up. Well damn, I didn't know what time it was "Uhm yeah. Hows your day so far" I asked him while pulling my card out "Pretty good, I ain't seen your dad in awhile" he answered. The rest was just small talk "Well I ain't gonna check your ID, I know that wouldn't stop you anyway. Plus your birthdays in just a couple months so you have at it" and with that, I walked back out to my truck and threw the beers in the passenger seat. I put the pump back and turned.

There's a teenager smoking beside the station. I remember being like that. I remember justins face when he found a pack in my jacket. But I was 16 then. I thought the world couldn't get much worse.

I walked in letting the door close on its own and stood in front of Mr. Jem. "Hey you're back, what can I get for you?" He asked, smiling just like he was earlier. I haven't smiled like this since a week ago when I opened my garage door and saw Bandit sitting there "Pack of lights please" I asked, handing him the $10. He gave me an odd look but went and picked them up anyway. Last time I bought cigarettes from here, he called Azn and asked him to see if I was okay. "Are you sure?" He asked and rang it up "As always. Have a good day" I answered and walked out. Immediately, I beat the pack on my hand and took one out.

/Hours Later\

6 beers. I bought six beers and right now there laying at me feet while I swing above them. I've managed to smoke more then half my pack. Dad and Azn already called me, so has Brandon, but I just told them I was taking a day off. Dad told me not to do anything I would later regret, Brandon begged me to be safe, even Monza got on the phone and told me to watch my back and don't talk to strangers. Azn got teary eyed and I could hear it through the phone. Normally that would break my heart and I would cry too but I couldn't. I couldn't cry knowing that I was gonna break his heart soon anyway.

I picked up my phone and clicked on his name. I swung faster as i waited for him to answer 

"Yeah Babe?" He asked immediately picking up "It's come to my conclusion that I am pretty unstable" Is all I could think to say. He sighed "Baby just come home. It's already 10pm, what could you possibly be doing this late anyway?" He asked. For some reason that was funny to me "I could be doing a lot of things. I could be at home fixing the car that bad driving skills fucked up. I could be in bed cuddling with you and probably already be asleep. But no i'm at a park having an actual meltdown and breaking up with my boyfriend over phone while I swing above empty beer cans and a empty pack of cigarettes" I laughed into the phone. 

When he didn't answer it dawned on me what i just said "Wait I-" "No you know what. I understand. You're going through a lot. If you want to break up then so be it. I want you to make a full recovery. I'll pack my stuff tomorrow morning" He cut me off then hung up. What the hell have I done. "What the fuck?" I whispered. staring at my phone. I just ruined my whole life. 

I put the phone to my ear as I listened to it ring "Yeah?" "Brandon I fucked up" I cried into the phone. I heard movement and i knew I woke him up "Where are you?"  "The park near you house. Bike here, I'll drive us home" I cried. "Don't move, I'll be right there. please just don't move" 

Ten minutes later, a truck pulled up and i watched as Brandon jumped out of the passenger seat "Monica. What the hell happened" he asked. I looked past him and looked Monza right in the eyes. He didn't show disappointment like I thought he would, he showed sorrow. Something I haven't seen an anyone's eyes in a really long time. People normally just show petty. "Come here, let me get you into my dads truck" Brandon said and wrapped an arm around my waist, lifting me up and walking me over to the passenger seat. I lifted myself in and watched Brandon as he picked up all the cans and my belongings. He tossed the pack into the trash and jumped into my truck, turning it on and backing up. Monza jumped in and waited for Brandon to drive away. 

"Do I need to give you the talk?" you're 19 years old Monica. You can not be sitting in a park drinking and smoking your life away!" He barked and started to back up also. Tears started forming and it was burning my eyes. I couldn't speak so I just nodded. 

We pulled up to my house and I saw my truck parked behind Farmtruck. Azn's car was already gone. I croaked and started bawling again.


I heard Monica pull up to I ran to the door and walked out. But it wasn't Monica that stepped out of the truck, it was Brandon. "Monica called me so we brought her home" He said and leaned onto Mony's truck. I pulled my phone out and texted Azn to tell him shes home and safe. He looked at it and didn't reply. 

Monza's truck pulled up the drive way and turned off. If she thought I was gonna yell at her, he defiantly is going to. I walked over and opened the passenger door "Remember what I told you Mony" Monza said and started the truck again, she nodded while running her hands over her face "Dad he's gone" she whispered, looking me in the eyes. This was the first time I realized how much those two meant to each other. Her eyes don't show the sea anymore, they're just empty blue eyes. "I know Babygirl" I whispered and lifted her out of the truck. Thankfully, shes only like 110 pounds and 5'4, made this really easy. "It's okay. I know Azn, he'll still be there for you" 

I opened her bedroom door and carried her to her bed, laying her down on Azn's pillow. I looked around. I haven't been in here since her room was purple and blue. Now its just dark blue walls. Pictures of her and Azn were all over the room. "I didn't mean to do it. I didn't want to do it. i made a mistake dad. Just bring him back" she bawled into Azn's pillow. I looked her in the face. I thought she was broken when we pushed her car back. I thought i'd seen her break when we dragged her out of the wreckage. Hell i thought I saw her broken when the police dropped her off 12 years ago. But I've never seen her eyes bloodshot. I've never seen her shake so hard she couldn't breath. Azn was her life support. 

I tucked her in once she fell asleep and walked down stairs. I looked him in the eyes and frowned "Is she at least safe?" He asked, tears falling from his face. I nodded "She'll need a lot longer before we can do anything about it. She really is just fallen apart"  

He ran his hand through his hair and looked at the door "I just needed my charger. I'm staying at a friends for a while. I'll be in the shop tomorrow" He mumbled and walked out.

He didn't show up to the shop the next day. 

And she didn't show up to the shop for a month almost two. 

It's like they both had given up.

But they never gave up on each other.

-Not EDITED yes I know I ran off schedule. Today was the last day of summer school so I'm back to my list starting Monday.-

Thanks for reading, it means a lot.  

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