·Chapter Six·

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"Good job" a voice whispered. I felt arms around me like I was being cradled  "where am i?" I asked. His hand ran over my arm and did little circles "Well we're gonna call it a waiting room for you. For me, its the after life" he answered and and snickered, I punched his shoulder and looked at him. Flip.

"Well you didn't kick his ass but you did run with three broken ribs. Real good job" he complimented me, still smiling "You're such a douche even in the after life" I mumbled, earning a wack in the back of my head "don't remind the dead that their dead" he hissed. What? "But tyler- ugh you cause me problems" I laughed and hit him in the shoulder. He laughed and stood up with me still in his arms "I wanna show you something"

We walked into a door and he let me sit on the seat. Its a hospital room.

"You should go sleep" a voice said. Realization flooded me. "Tyler I don't wanna see this" I croaked and tried to stand up but just fell backwards "You just hold on a minute" he whispered into my ear and held my hand.

"You both should go home and a sleep" Justin said, entering the room. "Its not healthy dad, go home" I said "Monica you're a ghost, calm down" Tyler joked, running his thumb over my knuckles "Give me the folder" I demanded. Flip looked at me and slowly reached for it "Don't start crying again though." He mumbled and handed it over, i opened it. Coma. I'm in a coma "I'm not dead?" I asked "Fucking Christ Monica, do you look dead? wait okay don't answer that" he laughed. Well this just changes everything "That means I can just wake up, right? I'll just wake up then it'll be easy! Just teach me how" I rambled, pushing my self out of the chair but falling onto the floor. Hospital floors are reallllly cold like what the hell "No Mony, It doesn't work that way. You're not just unconscious, you're in dead sleep. Even I can't really help you past that" he said, grabbing my waist and putting me back into the seat. 

If I just take it slowly, I can get to Azn. God just gave me leg strength for five seconds, I swear i wont ask again. I stood up again, slowly pushing myself forward and towards Azn. 

I can't see him this way. He looks dead. Hes just sitting in a chair holding my hand with his face into the bed. He's broken. I broke him. I stumbled to him and collapsed in front of him "Azn it's okay" I whispered and felt his cheek. he sniffled but didn't move "I love you Monica" He whispered "I just want you back. I'm sorry I didn't protect you. Please just come back. I'll let you sleep in, hell you can even call your boss and tell him to go fuck himself. just please. I can't live without you" 

|Justin| 1 month later

I sat on the seat and looked at her. Azn brushes her hair every night so she looks cleans. Shes pale, almost like she's dead. She wasn't on the list yet and I cancelled the rest of the season until she wakes. I miss sitting on the tailgate and talking about our problems together. I miss her rolling into my office on a creeper and telling me shitting puns that nobody cares about. I miss her smirk when she comes up with good ideas that's probably gonna end up with my wife bailing us out. I just miss Monica in general. That shops be empty and nobody really talks, hell they started actually working. 

A nurse walked in and looked at me "Where's Azn?" She asked almost disappointingly. Oh she better hope Monica can't hear the disappointment in her voice right now "Gone. He'll be back to check on his girlfriend" I answered a little harshly. I can just imagine Monica fist bumping me. "Whatever. She's not gonna wake up anyway" She mumbled and walked out "Fuck you too man!" I called after her and stood up, walking towards Mony.

"Don't worry Monica, You'll wake up. What are you doing anyway? walking around causing havoc probably. Wake up when you're ready to but don't be too long" I whispered, kissing her forehead and walking out.


"Monica!" I laughed, chasing her around the hospital floor "Catch me if you can!" She yelled, running with a little boy we found. We call him Audy because his name is Audrey. He's 9 years old "We can loose him in the stairs" Audy suggested and ran towards the stairs, busting the door open. Monica giggled and grabbed his hand "Don't go too far" she said, still laughing. The door shut before I could open it "Mony, you shouldn't be running around too much" I called after her. When i got the door open I froze "What's happening to her Flip?" Audrey asked. Monica is jolting back and forth on the floor "Help me find her room. Somethings happening to her actual body" I answered and picked her up bridal style. Audy ran back out the door "Nurse!" He started yelling as we ran through the halls. A nurse walked through a room and looked at him "Done running around, are we?" She mocked, putting her clipboard to her side.

"When need Monica's room. quickly" I stated. she looked at mony's body. Mony still jolting round in my arms "Follow me, keep up kids" she mumbled and sped walked down a hall. a few turns later, we walked into Monica's room "Lay her beside her body." The nurse said and looked at the other nurses folder "And you might want to say your goodbyes now. If I'm correct, you have two minutes before she wakes up" 

I looked at Audrey and saw how sad his face is. "Monica it's okay, you're going to be with Azn now" Audy said, putting his hand to her cheek. I sat on the bed and looked into her eyes. She didn't want to wake up "Monica. It's okay. We'll be around. I'll keep an eye on you. Go be with your family" I croaked out. she nodded. A tear rolled down her cheek. We're running out time "I love you Minnie" I whispered and wiped her tears. She simply just nodded again "I'll miss you, Monica" Audy whispered and put his head on her shoulder "I'll miss you guys and I love both of you" and with that she started fading. I watched her fade until her body jolted "She's awake!" A nurse yelled.

I grabbed Audy's hand and pulled him into my side "She'll be okay now" 

And I was right. After they checked up on her, Azn and Farmtruck ran into the room and sat on each side of her. She needs Azn and he needs her. It's just sad that i won't be at their wedding. You know, if they ever decide to get married. "You're back" Farmtruck cried into Mony's hand. She giggled "Can't get rid of me that easily"

|Monica| Week later

I buttoned the jeans shorts Azn brought for me and slid on his sweatshirt. I get to leave the hospital today . "Azn!" I yelled from the bathroom. I heard a crash and the door swung open "What?" He asked, gripping the door frame. I giggled "Carry me, please?" I asked, giving the best puppy eyes I could do with stitches in my cheek bone and eyebrow. He looked at me like he wanted to throw me across the room but just smiled and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and put my face into his neck "Farm went home already so I can take you to get food" He said while he picked up my backpack and walk out of the room "I miss this" I whispered into his neck. i could feel him chuckle "I missed you hanging on me too" 


Football is kicking my ass right now guys, we're already 3-0 with eight more games to go. I'm so tireeeddd.]

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