·Chapter Seven·

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I buckled her up and closed the door, walking around and jumping in. 

I turned the music on and watched as her face lit up "It was the 14th of October, had that t-shirt off your shoulder. I was drunk, said I was sober and you said 'Yeah, right'. We were talkin' for a minute then some guy tried to cut in, you took my hand and we pretended like I was your guy" she sang, grabbing my hand with the song. I laughed "Oh, and I tried to guess your middle name for thirty minutes bet we played that game" she coughed a little at the end but still looked at me for the next part. Well why not.

"That mango-rite you were drinkin' and that coldplay song that you were singin' and I bet right now you're probably thinkin' that its crazy i remember every detail. but I do. From your blue jeans to your shoes. Girl, that night was just like you. Unforgettable" I sang back, holding her hand while pulling out of the parking lot. She giggled and turned the radio off "Do you want Sonic?" She asked, moving around so that she was leaning on the door and her legs were on my lap. Oh thank god she's back, I hated not being able to be around her "If that's what you want, babe" 

Once we got the food, I pulled off at a pond and jumped out, running to the other side to help her out. She couldn't walk very well so i just picked her up and put her on my back "What are we doing here?" She asked, gripping her arms around me "You've been asleep for a month and a half. I thought you'd want to do something fun" I answered. I walked onto the dock and let Monica go, helping her stand upright "Speaking of which"

"Monica Rain Whitely, I know I broke up with you but I've spent a year and one month with you not being my girl. That sucked major ass." I said. She broke into laughter and had to grip the railing "Will you please be my girlfriend again? Through thick and thin?" I asked, resting my hands on her waist. She chuckled and wiped her tears away "That took you a really long time" She mumbled and collapsed into my arms "Through thick and thin" she answered 

"Good, now lets get you home so you can sleep" I said, lifting her up from her waist. she squealed and wrapped her legs around me "Azn calm down!" 


I rolled over and looked at the clock. 3:45am?! what the fuck? I rolled back over and looked at Azn. "Baby?" I croaked, poking him in the face. I don't remember much after watching the episode where everyone on Streetoutlaws talked about my absence. Azn grumbled and barely opened his eyes "I love you" I whispered. He let out a little chuckle and wrapped his arms around me "I know" Is all he said as he pulled me into his side.


|Monica| Saturday 

"It's Race Day!" I yelled from the bathroom. Azn and Dad are downstairs so I decided to yell. I don't know why "No shit Sherlock!" Azn yelled "Fuck off Watson! Help me find clothes!" I barked back and walked out of my bathroom. Seconds later my door opened and Azn looked at me "What? You've seen me in boxers and a bra before" I stated and crossed my arms. He nodded in agreement and walked into my closet. "Make me look nice but not too nice. I gotta work on Bandit Jr. before the race" I said and sat on my bed. 

My whole body is basically a bruise. I still had a wrap on my ribcage and I still have stitches on my chest and face. Azn came back out with black skinny jeans, an old Coca-Cola shirt and a denim button up "This match?" He asked, holding it up. I stared at him, smiling. I can't be more thankful to be alive and to have him "Yeah babe, that'll be perfect" i thanked him and slid the jeans on. "What shoes do you want?" He asked while handing me my shirt. I wiggled into my jeans before grabbing the shirts "Uhm which ones are you wearing?" I asked. He laughed and helped me put the Coca-Cola shirt on. I smiled at him and slid the denim top on "high top converse" "Then I guess that's What I'm wearing. Can you help fold my selves?" I whined and stuck my arm out. He chuckled 


I folded her selves and grabbed her converse "You can put them on when we get to the shop" I told her and put them in her backpack. she nodded and stood up, walking to the mirror and poking her face "When do i get these out?" she mumbled. Monica has been asking this since she woke up in the hospital "If you'd stop messing with it, we can take them out when their healed" I answered and wrapped my hand around hers "Let's go, race is in two hours and its a long drive" I told her and dragged her out of her room. Chief unwillingly cleared her for racing tonight, I'm not sure if Monica payed him or threatened him, but he sent out a text saying they were filling in the number 10 spot tonight and Monica was on the list of racers.

We got to the shop, Farm and I hooked up the trailers and got on our way to the street Chief found.

"Can I drive?" Monica asked when i jumped back in, I glared at her and put my seatbelt on "A simple no will always do" she mumbled and turned the radio on. NYLA by Blackbear turned on and she mumbled along until she fell asleep with her legs on my lap. It's funny. Normally racers everyday car would be something they could drive everyday but not Monica. She saw a 1972 C-10 chevy and bought it that second. The guy even told her it wasn't reliable, but she fell in love with everything about it. Even fought the dude when he said a girl like her should get a subaru. She felt majorly insulted and flipped the dude off as she drove away.

I pulled up behind Chiefs trailer and parked, waiting for Farm to park his truck. I decided not to wake Monica up until it  after drivers meeting. I slowly closed the door and walked out around back and looked for Farm "She out?" He asked. i simply nodded and opened the trailer, hopping in and turning the light on. 

Let's just hope Bandit can get from A to B without fucking up or blowing the tires off. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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