·Chapter Two·

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I tightened the front of the car together and looked at Monica "She's ready" I said and stood beside her, taking in the view.

She drives a sparkling blue 1976 Chevy Chevelle SS.

This was the first time we've gotten it back together after Monica's big crash. "I got us an opening in tonight's race" I stated and wrapped my arm around her waist. She nodded and leaned into me. It was little things like this that make me remember all the late night adventures we had.

"Knock knock" a voice called from behind us, we both turned to see Youngblood standing in the doorway. Monica squealed and ran to him, tackling him in a hug. They laughed as she wrapped her legs around him "Ive missed you, knuckle head" she laughed.

Okay so yes I'm unbelievably jealous right now. I don't understand why though. I had my chance with Monica and we both agreed to go our separate ways. It was difficult and I can remember every feeling that rushed through me when she said she couldn't be in a relationship with anyone anymore. But it hurts seeing her with some guys, Brandon mostly. He use to like her and it was obvious. They would hangout all the time. Sometimes she'd even wake up early and head to Monzas house, spending all day there.

"Azn? Hey did you hear me?" Monica whispered, I looked up and smiled "no but ill gladly listen now" I answered. She let out a light chuckle and pat my head "We're heading to Monzas shop to work on his car. Ill text you?" She asked then walked towards Brandon. I nodded, still smiling "Ill text you" I said back and leaned on Bandit, watching them walk away. A whimper came from beside me so i looked and Susie was sitting on a creeper "I know, me too" 


We jumped out of Brandon's truck and walked into Monza's shop "Hey dad!" I screamed, running to tackle him into a hug. He chuckled and side hugged me "Morning there kiddo" 

"She's been working on her car all night so she'll probably get too tired to jump around sooner or later" Youngblood spoke making everyone chuckle "Monica, you know you need sleep, defiantly before a race" Monza said and walked under his car. They have it up on a lift. "Then I'll sleep during the day. It's the first day anyone gets to see my car. Hell some people don't even know that I've been spending two years fixing it up. I needed to make sure it was ready and thanks to Azn, I think it's ready to fly up the list" I wined and followed him, looking underneath to see if there's anything i could help with "If Bandit is anything like she use to be, she'll get you right back to the number 4 spot. I'll keep it warm for you" He said and reached up, pulling on the suspensions a little.

I realized the left one was lose so I pointed to it "I don't wanna push you down the list any farther then you've already been pushed down" I replied. He looked at what I was pointing to and grabbed a wrench "If anyone's gonna push me down the list, I rather it be you and/or Brandon" He said, tightening the suspension. "Fair point but I'll just stay in 5th. Hopefully no one minds a girl getting back on the list" I joked and checked on the break pads. "Monza your breaks are literally falling apart, these'll kill you when the pads fall off" I said a little harshly, getting his and Brandon's attention "Now who the hell did I tell to check them?" He mumbled and started loosening the tire bolts. 

Once he got the tire off, he pulled the break pads off and threw them near the trash, just barely missing Doc's face "Well that was a welcoming" He mumbled and walked over to us "Good thing we had Monica today. The break pads are worn" Monza told him. Brandon came back with extra's we had laying around and handed them over "I'll look at the other one" I said and walked over, sure enough, that one was worn too "You need to get your team in shape" I mumbled as I walked by to grab a wrench.


"Racer Meeting!" Dad yelled from the back of Farmtruck. We all walked over and stood in a bundle. I stood between Young blood and Azn "Well all know the rules" He started. After nodding, I leaned my head on Azn's shoulder and zoned out. I never did get to take a nap. I went to Midwest shop and was busy the whole damn time. "Monica, Did you sleep last night?" Azn asked, pulling me from my thoughts. I nodded but yawned at the same time "No more of this, you're sleeping in tomorrow" He said. I knew he was being serious and that i wasn't gonna get out of it so i just nodded along. After we all went our separate ways, Azn and Farm walked with me to my trailer "We're up first. Am i just grudge racing you?" I asked while unlocking the back door. He nodded and helped me pull it down "Good, I'm too tired to race anyone else" I mumbled while jumping onto my trailer. 

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