·Chapter Five·

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I put my work shirt in the passenger seat and checked my phone. A couple missed messages from Azn, my dad and Nate. I called Azn while I waited in the parking lot.

"Hey sweets?" He said roughly. I giggled. God damn whyd I giggle "just ended my shift but I'm gonna go to a friends house so ill text you when I'm done" I said, turning the key in the ignition and putting my seat belt on "Oh... its cool, ive been working on a project with Farmtruck all day so I'm okay with taking a bit to relax." He mumbled. "Alright well thank you, see ya" and with that I hung up and called Nate.

I pulled into the street and headed towards his house "What the fuck do you want?" He asked. Jerk bag "Hey babe, I told you I'd come over after my shift. Are you home?" I answered, gripping the steering wheel "Whatever" he said and hung up. "Oh my god you fucking bastard!" I barked and threw my phone, hitting the steering wheel and swerving a bit.

After 15 minutes of driving, I pulled up to the little house and jumped out. I muted my phone and slid it into my cowboy boots. The living room lights were on so I took that as my que. Grabbing the pizza box, I slammed my truck door and walked towards the stairs.

'You ain't gotta do this, turn around now' a voice whispered in my head but I pushed it back as I turned the door knob and walked in

"Hey babe" I said, smiling like nothing happened. "Hi" he grumbled from the couch. I sat the pizza on the dinning table and opened the fridge "You want a beer?" I asked, searching for one "Ill get it when I want one" he answered. Fair point dick bag. 'I ain't gotta good feeling Minnie' the voice whispered again, but I still pushed the thought back and sat down.

Nate got up and stumbled over to the pizza box. He opened it and stared at it "Where's the bacon?" He asked. Oh. My. Fuck. "I told them to get you some. I'm sorry" I answered. I could already feel the lump in my throat "What the fuck do you mean?! First you wanna go fuck other dudes and now you cant even get me the fucking pizza I want!? You're so fucking useless!" He barked and slung the pizza across the table, barely missing me with it. I stumbled out of the chair and grabbed onto the counter top. "I'm sorry, ill go back" I suggested. He marched over to me and lifted me up by my throat "You're not going anywhere until you do something correctly! This is why I'm the only guy that fucking wants you, you fuck up too damn much! That's why your dad killed himself and that's why your ex left you!" He yelled before throwing me.

I'm not sure what my head bounced off of but I already started losing grip on consciousness the second I landed. He's mouth was moving but all I could understand was his fist coming down on my temple and face. White pain took over and I slowly faded into sleep. The pain faded. The yelling faded. The feeling of his hands faded.

"You're just gonna give up?" The voice from earlier asked. I nodded and ran my hands over my face.
"You never give up and this douche shouldn't be a reason to" he said harshly "what do you know about it?" I barked and stared at the guy in front of me. He laughed, his head falling back "I know you, Minnie. You never would just give up to a guy like this. He's got nothing you don't have. Wake back up and kick his ass" he laughed, getting closer "Tyler you know I cant kick this guys ass" I croaked.

He put his hand on my cheek "You kicked mine didn't you? And I've watched you take Shawn down. You grew up beating the hood kids up. Where'd that Monica go?" He whispered, searching my face for his answer "You look good" is all I could whisper. He smiled. Oh his smile. I haven't seen it in awhile. It gave me so many feelings "And you still look hot as hell. Go on Monica, get back before its too late to turn back" the whispered and kissed my forehead. "I love you flip" I croaked and hugged his waist. "I love you too Minnie"

His arms faded. God damn why is my life just fading away today.

Light broke through my eyelids and I cringed as I rolled over. I reached for my phone, immediately calling Azn.

I put the phone on speaker and slid it into my belt. "Are you awake?" I heard Nate ask from the other side of the room. Fuck I didn't think he would stick around. I pushed myself up and grabbed the counter top "you gonna go get me the fucking pizza I asked for!?" He yelled. His voice made me want to just lay back down but I knew I couldn't. I gotta run. I gotta run for not only Azn and my dad, but for Flip.

I stumbled toward the door and opened it. By the time I got out the door, I heard him rumble around "Monica!! Get your ass in here!!" But I couldn't. I just kept running. All the way to my truck. I jumped in and locked the doors "Azn" I mumbled as I turned the key and put it in reverse. I flew backwards and quickly shifted into drive.

Once I couldn't see him in my mirror, I reached down and grabbed my phone "Monica what the hell is going on, I'm in my truck, where are you?" Azn yelled into the phone. I started bawling.


She was bawling by now "Monica get to the nearest gas station and pull into the back. Then text me the location. Please" I begged into the phone. Farmtruck closed his door and I immediately pushed the pedal into the floor "I...... Cant...... breath......" she chocked out. Tears threatened to fall as I left black smoke behind us "Monica just please. At least send me you location. I need you to do this" I begged again. My phone vibrated in my hand and I smiled "Thank you baby. I'm on my way I swear to god I'm so close" I cried into the phone and looked at her message. She's only 10 minutes away "Just lock your doors" I said and handed the phone to Farm.

I zoned them out as I watched the lights fly behind us, I know I'm speeding. But at this rate, the cops can follow me to Monica. Im getting to her wether they like it or not.

I cant loose the love of my life. I don't even know what happened. I didn't even get to say good bye or tell her how much I loved her. She cant just leave like this.

I ran over the grass as I flew into the gas station. I turned around it and saw Monicas old chevy park beside the car wash. I hit the breaks and jumped out "Babe!" I called and ran to her door. I yanked it open and she fell into my arms "Call for help!" I yelled at Farm. He stood there in shock but jolted into action and started calling 911

"Monica? Baby can you hear me" shes completely unconscious "there on the way Azn" farm said kneeled beside me, grabbing Mony hand. I fell into a sitting position and cradled her into my chest. Please don't take the love of my life.

This cant happen to her. She's never done anything wrong "Who the fuck would do this!? She never did shit to anyone!" I couldn't take it anymore, I started bawling and screaming into her neck. I know Farmtruck was just as hurt as I was. I could hear him crying even when I heard the sirens "Ill call the guys to come get our trucks" He said.

I held her tighter even when Arms pulled me off her "Let me fucking go!" I screeched and reached to grab her hand. I just barely had her hand when they lifted her up and put her on a stretcher "Sir we're gonna need you to stop struggling" a lady said, puting her hands on my shoulders. I jolted from her hands and cried into my own.

Once they loaded her up, they let us ride along and we were off. I let Farm hold her hand on the way there while I sent out a group text telling them where we're going.

Please help my princess 



  [guess which dumbass is a whole day late on uploading? It's okay though cause I decided to give it to you guys 3 1/2hrs earlier than expected. I might have told you guys in this story, maybe not, but I had to go back to my doctors last week and that's why there was no update for ANY of my stories. I am struggling really bad right now and I just want you guys to know that if y'all need anything, I'm forever here. ]

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