·Chapter Four·

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"Well yall look lazy" Monkey said. We all turned our heads in his direction "What do you want from us? None of us broke anything" Chris stated, pushing himself around on his creeper. He's right. None of us broke anything last night so there's nothing for us to do. "Monkey should be in charged of planning" I mumbled from the creeper I'm laying on.

"Now there's an idea" justin joked from his office. We all started laughing, even monkey.

"We should go get food" Shawn piped in. We nodded. But none of us moved or said what.

"Ill take yall out to eat" I offered after two minutes of silence. Monkey laughed "You still have money after fixing Bandit?" He asked. Well fuck you too Monkey. I glared at him and tried to explode his head off. He simply rolled his eyes

"Well where yall wanna go?" I asked, picking my phone up and googling places near us "Pizza Zone?" I mumbled. Hoping they weren't tired of me suggesting pizza.

Chris made a noise "Hell yeah"

Justin walked in "Good with me. We can take my truck?" He offered. We all nodded "Let me ask Azn if he's busy" I mumbled and looked at my phone again.

I know they were giving each other the "I told you so" look but I just minded my own business.

Once Azn said he'll meet us there, we all pilled up and hauled ass down there.

"Well I'm not letting her pay" Shawn stated. We'd been having this fight the whole damn ride "Shawny, when I said I'd pay, I intend on paying" I stated back, crossing my arms. I heard him sigh in defeat and I laughed, swinging around in the seat "sore loser" I hissed, sticking my tongue out. He laughed and did the same.

"I'm not gonna let you sit in the front of you act like a child" Justin said while pulling into a parking spot. I huffed and jumped out "Well then same for you"

Once we got a seat, Azn sat beside me with Chris at one end, Monkey on the other then Shawn and Justin in front of us.

"Thanks for inviting me" Azn whispered into my ear and out his hand on my knee. You know those moments when you wanna jump up and sing? I was basically having that moment.

'I should be over all the butterflies but I'm in to you!' Rang through my head and I giggled.

"Yall just wanna get two large pizzas?" Justin suggested. We all made a face like we were thinking about it and nodded.


I left my hand on her knee as looked at the toppings. Monica was looking at my menu also even though she had her own. "Sausage, mushroom, pepperoni, bacon and what?" The waitress asked. I heard mony snicker "on one of the pizzas, put jalapeno peppers on one side" Chris said, looking at Monica, she nodded and smiled. "Okay it'll be right out with you" she said then winked at me. I can tell I wasn't the only one that noticed because Mony wrapped her arm around mine tighter then before.

Monica isn't the jealous type. Yeah she's a little uneasy when other girls flirt with me but who wouldn't be when some chick tired to flirt with your partner?

Okay I say that but she isn't my "partner" I cant even get her to be my girlfriend. In all fairness we broke up almost a year ago and I haven't asked her back out. I haven't even brought up the topic with her. "You okay, Azn?" She asked, poking my cheek. "Always" I whispered and poked her forehead. She laughed and turned back to the guys, talking about something or another with them.

Her hair was wavy today and she stuck to no makeup. Like normal, she's wearing shorts, vans, and a farmtruck shirt. She's beautiful even in her everyday clothes. Her phone went off and I saw the name "Nate" with a heart pop up. Ive never heard of Nate and she's never mentioned him.

Mony reached down and hit decline before putting her phone back and talking with the guys again. This doesn't seem like Monica.

"I have work tomorrow!!!" She yelled from the bathroom. I laughed and kept watching TV "We can just call in sick, ill gladly spend the day with you" I stated, turning towards the bathroom door. She opened the door and looked at me. Actual tears were in her eyes "I don't wanna go to work" she whispered. Holy hell she's so pure I cant even with her. I laughed and waved her over.

She stood between my legs and looked me in the eyes "You have to work. Remember? Bandit wants new seats covers? It'll be okay, by the time you wake up you wont mind going" I lied. She smiled at the Bandit part and kissed my cheek "I cant wait until I get off. We can go fishing. Oh my god I've missed fishing" she said and hummed like she was dreaming about it "you're silly" I laughed and pulled her into my lap. She giggled, wrapping her arms and legs around me "We should sleep" I whispered just then her phone went off.

She looked at it and frowned "Yeah we need to sleep" she mumbled and turned her phone off. "Whats wrong, babe?" I asked, looking at her phone, she kissed my cheek again and pushed me down "Just me realizing what time it was" she lied. I frowned but nodded.

We both laid down and I pulled the blanket over us, kissing her cheek then laying back over and closing my eyes "Good night sweets" she mumbled

"Where the fuck are you? You're whoring around aren't you?"
His message is all that I could think of as I laid beside Azn. I frowned and looked at the picture on my nightstand. Its of when me and Azn were dating. He took me to a fair and won me this huge unicorn but someone stole it out of my truck. He felt so bad he tried to buy me another one but I wouldn't let him, instead I kept kissing his neck and told him it was okay. I miss being able to do that. 



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