1. I Hate People

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Arlin's P.O.V.
Brought to you by a talking horse

I don't live in a village, I haven't for a long time. When I was old enough to survive on my own I was kicked out without a second thought. Luckily I found an abondoned house a ways away and I've been there ever since. For a period of time a man a bit older than myself, named Lincoln lived with me after he had also been rejected for reasons he never revealed to me. He was kind and taught me to fight as well as other things like the warrior language (English) how to heal and to listen to my heart as well as my head. But he left me, just like everyone else I ever cared about had. I don't know why he left, but he did...I miss him. I never told him about my true self so he didn't leave because of me. I don't know for certain how long but I've been alone ever since, besides the animals. I hunt, gather food, and trade at outposts only when I need to, because I avoid human contact like the acid fog. I'm a freak, and for a grounder thats saying something.

I left my house and walked to the makeshift stable behind it. I have a horse, a beautiful blue roan (hah Roan) paint. As I stroked her velvety muzzle I noticed a hawk and two doves in the rafters as well as a pair of red foxes snuggled in the hay. I was used to seeing unknown animals around, there were usually more acctualy. I was a chick magnet, no literally animals can't get enough of me, it's been that way ever since I was young. I remember the first time I spoke to one, the dog of the leader of our village, people hated and feared me after that. My parents neglected me and people did all they possibly could to avoid me. I shook my head, getting rid of the ghosts of the past and sighed as I began to braid Artemis' black and white mane. I thought about the book I had finished the night before. I loved reading about the times before Prymefya, though I don't know how I learned how to read...perhaps it comes with the territory of my other powers. Even fictional books are good, reading is how I occupy myself when I'm not with animals, singing, drawing or doing chores. It's amazing how much there is to learn from bits of bound paper.

I tied off the final braid, "All done, does it feel too tight at all Artemis?" "No." I smiled and patted her neck before unlatching the gate and letting her walk to the makeshift path. "Don't go far, and come back soon!" "Ok!" She replied as she dispeared into the trees. I laid down in the musty smelling but clean hay behind me, making sure not to disturb the foxes who were already there. I soon closed my eyes, and willed myself to go to sleep.


I was woken by Artemis nudging my shoulder. I rolled over while waving her away, mumbling. "Five more minutes." "There are men approaching, clad in armor and astride warriors of my kind. They wield weapons and one can sense their ill intent from afar." I bolted upright, all thoughts of sleep gone from my mind. My home was far from any road or path and well hidden as it was somewhat camouflaged. "Shit, they're here for me!" I said, looking into my friend's blue and brown eyes. There was no time to gather any of my things, even essentials. No time to even to tack up, I needed to run and I needed to run now. I sprang up and swung my leg over Artemis' back and urged her out of the dilapidated building. I saw two men, soldiers no doubt, in the distance. One pointed in my direction and shouted to his partner before they both kicked their horses into a gallop. "Ride hard Artemis, don't look back!"

I clung tightly to her mane as my face was whipped by branches and I closed my eyes in both fear and to prevent them from getting hit. I trusted my friend to get us to safety, but the drum of other hoof beats growing louder as the enemy closed in frightened me. I urged on the animal beneath me, "Just get us to the river, we can lose them there!" Artemis snorted and ran even faster. I opened my eyes just in time to see a soldier who had caught up with us, reach out his hand. I screamed as he pushed me off my four-legged companion and I fell, blindly reaching for something, anything, in a vain attempt to break my fall. I heard Artemis' panicked whinny as I fell to the forest floor before my world went black.


When I regained conciousness I could feel binding on my wrist and ankles, a blindfold covering my eyes and a gag in my mouth. Based on the way I was tied down and the move and feel of what I was on, I knew that I had been thrown over the side of a horse, stomach facing down. I whined, hoping to hear my horse respond. "I am here Arlin, you need not worry, I dare not speak further." Though it comforted me to know she was there, I afraid and rightfully so. I squirmed around in an attempt to free myself while making muffled screaming sounds. The whole time receiving nothing but laughs and insults from my captors. I did this until my already aching limbs grew tired and my voice, horse. I had tired myself out to the point where though I feared for my life and I was very uncomfortable, I somehow still managed to fall asleep.

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