Telling the Others

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Hermione's POV

Today is the first Hogsmeade trip of the year and We'd be meeting each others partners. I have managed to keep my relationship with Severus a secret for nearly two months. We have grown closer of this time, but still haven't kissed. But that doesn't matter, we're already a couple. Also today our secret will be revealed. Hopefully everything goes and my friends don't make to much of a big deal about our relationship. I'd also be meeting Malfoy, his partner and his parents today.

"So you'll meet us at the Three Broomsticks with Malfoy, his partner and parents" I say as I grab my scarf.

"Yes woman, now relax everything will be fine" he assures me.

"I just worry Severus, I know we need no ones blessing to be together. But it'd still be nice for both our friends to approve" I state. At least we don't have to worry about parents as both of ours are dead. I was very upset when I heard of my parents deaths, but Harry and Weasleys helped me through it.

"I agree, now go or you'll be late" he says kissing my cheek making me blush. "I'd love to see your reaction if I kissed you on the lips" he murmurs against my lips. "You'd probably faint" he states making me shiver.

"Very funny, see you at one" I tell him as I leave his office. I reach the three broomsticks and spot my friends. I head over to them and Harry gives me a hug along with Ron.

"Hermione this is my fiance Pansy" Ron states wrapping his arm around none other then Pansy Parkinson.

"Nice to see you Granger, sorry for being a bitch during school" she says smiling.

"It's ok, I forgive you" I tell her smiling.

"Harry, Ginny I see you've decided to tie the knot also" I say smiling at Ginny's ring

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"Harry, Ginny I see you've decided to tie the knot also" I say smiling at Ginny's ring.

"Harry, Ginny I see you've decided to tie the knot also" I say smiling at Ginny's ring

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"He proposed just now" Ginny says smiling. "So where's your spouse?" she asks.

"He's coming, just went to meet a friend of his" I tell her.

"So who is this guy?" Ron asks.

"She won't even tell me" Ginny tells him.

"He'll be here soon, why not get a butter beer and catch up" I suggest. They all agree and Harry buys the drinks as we sit at a table for ten. "So how's auror training going?" I ask Harry and Ron.

"Difficult, but Tonks says we have a lot of potential" Harry states.

"Correction, you have a lot of potential Harry" Ron tells him. "Honestly I'm not sure I want to be an auror anymore. I've thought enough for this world during our schooling, I think I should just get a job were I don't have to fight" he tells us.

"Well the twins did say you could help manage they're store" Pansy states.

"That's great Ron, I'm sure you'll exceed no matter what you choose" I tell him.

"Mum will support you either way" Ginny assures  him. Just then the doors to the pub opens and I turn to see Severus with the Malfoys & a young girl. "I wonder why they're here" Ginny says confused.

"Severus, there you are" I say smiling as I hug him kissing his cheek.

"Hermione" Ron and Harry say confused.

"Dear I believe you know Draco, Lucius and Narcissa" Severus says wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Pleasure to meet you all, Draco who's this pretty young lady?" I ask.

"Fay Dunbar, meet Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger meet my fiance Fay" Draco says smiling. (Picture of Fay [imagine her with blue eyes, not brown:

"We seem to be falling behind woman, all our friends are engaged" Severus states.

"Speaking of, guys I trust you know Severus he's my spouse" I tell them smiling.

"I knew it, great for you Hermione" Ginny says smiling. "I knew that was you I saw sneaking out of his classroom that Sunday night" she says smirking.

"Nothing happened" I tell her blushing.

"Are you happy Hermione?" Harry asks me.

"Very much so" I tell him.

"Then it's alright with me" he states and we all look at Ron.

"I don't know how I feel about this, I'm happy you're happy Hermione. But he's twice your age" Ron states.

"I'm well aware of that Ronald and I don't care" I tell him leaning into Severus who tightens his grip around me. "But if you have a problem with it, there's the door" I state pointing to it.

"Pansy I need to go think for awhile, I'll see you back at the apartment" Ron tells her before leaving.

"Sorry about that Hermione" Pansy tells me.

"It's fine, I expected that from him" I assure her. "Now lets all order another round" I tell them. Lucius handled it this time and we all sat at our table talking. I sat beside Severus getting to know the Malfoys more and Fay as well. She's apparently a Gryffindor in our year, but shared a dorm with her friend as mine was full. She is going to train to be an auror after completing her seventh year. Harry agreed to put in a good word for her at the ministry.

"It was lovely meeting you Lucius and Narcissa, I look forward to your Christmas party" I say smiling. Narcissa kisses my cheek before she disapperates with Lucius. "Don't forget Severus, you need to spend Christmas day with me at the Burrow" I tell him.

"Anything for you" he says smiling. We walk back up to the castle with Ginny, Draco and Fay. We saw Luna on the way and she introduced us to Rolf. (Picture of Rolf: We reached the castle and parted ways, Ginny going to the quidditch pitch to train for the match tomorrow. Draco and Fay went to the library while I went to Severus' chambers with him.

"That went better then expected" I say as I sit on his couch.

"True, but there is one thing I've been dying to do for over a month" he states leaning over me. I raise my chin to look up at him into his eyes. I go to ask what it was when he kisses me gently. I was shocked at first and soon kiss back running my fingers through his hair. Before we pull away. "You have homework to do and I have tests to mark" he says heading to his working desk as I pout.

"Is that it? You kiss me and then just act like nothing happened" I say annoyed.

"We can continue kissing later Hermione, but you were the one who said when we returned. We had work to do" he reminds me.

"Fine, but don't think you're off the hook" I state taking out my homework. I start doing my Charms essay first. While Severus marked the first and second year Potions tests. After that we went to dinner together holding hands and I sat next to him at the teachers table. I make conversation with Lupin while Severus spoke to McGonagall. When dinner finished we returned to his chambers where we fell asleep in each others warm embrace.


Picture above of the three broomsticks and picture on the external link of Hermione with Snape. Pictures in chapter of Ron Weasley and Pansy Parkinson with their engagement ring. Harry Potter with Ginny Weasley & their engagement ring.

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