Dobre House Plan

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I, Iris Dobre, will save the Dobre house! And nothing will stand in my way. But before I save the world of the Dobres, I must get dressed. I took a shower and brushed my teeth at the same time. Don't judge because it's called multitask. I need to save the world and I need to do it fast! I got out of the shower and dried myself and put this on:

 I need to save the world and I need to do it fast! I got out of the shower and dried myself and put this on:

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And I did my make up

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And I did my make up. I'm ready to go save the world! Wait. After looking in the mirror one more time I had to fix my hair:

She doesn't have to look like that the picture is only for hair just imagine how she looks

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She doesn't have to look like that the picture is only for hair just imagine how she looks.
I went downstairs to plan out how I'm gonna save the Dobre house. "Yo Cy." I say politely to my brother who's eating breakfast. "Have any plans today?" Cyrus took a sip of his coffee before answering. "No, I don't believe so." Cyrus replied. "What about you?" I shook my head. "I'm just gonna drop off the twins at school." Cyrus chuckled. "It's funny because they are 10 minutes older than you and you skipped 3 grades. Hilarious." He sipped on his coffee about what seemed like 20,000,000 more times. The twins came downstairs, still in their pajamas. "Hey Sleepyheads who's ready to go to school in 15 minutes?" I was giving them a hint on how they should hurry up and get ready before they're late for school. Lucas raised his hand. "Not me." He and Marcus said together. Me and Cyrus chuckled a little. Gosh, mornings don't have laughs or giggles do they? We've only either smiled or chuckled. "You guys know I'm telling you to get ready right?" I said arching my eyebrow. They looked me then their phones. "Oh god!" Lucas and Marcus said. "We're gonna be late!" Lucas and Marcus sprinted upstairs in quite a hurry. "Oh gosh they are fast for kids with tiny legs. I laughed at that.
Time Skip
When me and the twins get the school, I noticed that people were taking photos of me. " Guys hurry and get out I'm getting the chills here." I told the twins. Before the left they kissed me on the cheek and then left.
I finally figured out my plan to save the house. And your probably wondering why I need to save the house. Well I need to save it from boredom. I decided to do a prank on all of my brothers when I tell them that I'm not their biological sister. I've got mom and dad in on the prank. So the plan is to get those tiny cameras and record and I'll tell them. They might believe it because I don't look like them that much. Then if they don't believe me then I'll get mom and dad to come downstairs and tell them. And I'll show them a fake paternity test for me. And it will say a name that's not my dad's name. Then they'll have to believe me. I downstairs and the twins came in the house from school. "Hey guys we need to talk." I said once all of my brothers were in the living room. "Yeah what's up?" Dari asked. I told them all to sit down and I sat on the opposite couch they were on. "Look you guys. I've been wanting to tell you guys this for years. Cyrus, Dari, Lucas, Marcus. I know that you guys were there when I was born but you weren't there when I was made. So you have to believe me you guys. I'm telling the truth." My brothers looked at each other then scanned the room for cameras. Then Cyrus stood up. "Of course we were there when you were made we... Well mom did leave the house a lot... And she always had the " night shift". Where are you going with this? Are you saying that mom cheated on dad. And she had you with the person she cheated with?" I nodded when he asked. A tear escaped his eye and he sat back down. Lucas and Marcus were holding back tears. Dari was just looking at me. "She's lying I wanna hear mom and dad's perspective of this." He demanded. Yes! Just as I planned. I called mom and she was walking down the steps with the fake paternity test. "Sweetheart I think we need to get rid of this paternity test. Your father is getting sick and tired of the fact that you were born with another man." She was looking at the paper "not noticing" that Cyrus, Darius, Lucas, and Marcus were in here with me. "Um... Mom." I pointed at them and she looked at them. She looked like she felt guilty. Gosh! She's a good actress. "Oh my. Pochies. I didn't want you to find out this way but..." She handed them the paternity test and as they read they looked sad, depressed, and teary. They all started crying and I laughed my butt off. "That's not funny! You were the best sister a brother could ask for! And you decode its okay to tell us that your not actually our sister!?" Marcus said holding his eyeballs." I laughed even harder. "It is funny because its a prank!" I grabbed the small hidden camera and showed it to them. They looked so mad but I saved the house from boredom now they would they would get revenge and then this whole prank process will be fun.

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