Ivanita Did It (Continued)

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Tessa woke up along with Chance. When they saw their position they blushed at each other. Then when they noticed what was happening again, they began to panic.
"Marcus, wake up please!" I shook Marcus until he woke up and swatted my hand away. The sirens woke him up. He hates when things flash so he hid his head in my chest as I hugged him. For a younger sister I'm doing most of the protecting. I felt a tear fall out of my eye. I was scared. What about Lucas? I went to the back of the helicopter,plane, whatever after giving Marcus a pillow to stuff his face in. I wanted to find something to disable the alarm. I found a box and I sharp pain in my shoulder. It was Ivanita with a wretch in her hand.
"So, you thought I was gonna go easy on you?" She said holding the wretch to her shoulder. " I'm gonna let Lucas' twin hang but you've got to go. I've killed every single sister that my past boyfriend had. And I hope you are the last I have to deal wi-" she didn't finish her sentence before I punched her in her jaw. She rubbed it with one hand and spit out some blood.
"Come at me!" I said spreading my legs and moving my fingers towards me. Ivanita threw the wretch at my head. I dodged it by bending back. She grabbed a hammer and aimed for my stomach. I toe touched over it. She threw a nail at me. It stabbed me in my elbow and I fell to the ground. I tried to pull it out but Ivanita punched me and stuff. I kicked her in the stomach. She stumbled back. I wrapped my legs around her neck and head butted her, hard. She seemed unconscious so I took advantage of the moment and took the nail out of my stained elbow. I went back to the front and everyone was gone. Marcus was under a table. I went up to him.
"WHAT happened? Where's Tessa and Chance!" I asked.
" A few bodyguards took them. I was under the table when this happened. They didn't see me though. " he began to cry but I stopped him. I hugged him so tight he began comfortable.
"Time to kick ass." I said. First time cursing. It actually felt good to let that out, great actually. The first time is the best.
" HELL YA! " Marcus yelled pumping his fist in the air. I helped him from under the table and we went into the control room. There were guards holding Tessa, Chance, and... Lucas? I tried to tiptoe passed the guards but failed so me and Marcus had to take out stand. Marcus took the ones on the left and I took the ones on the right. Marcus threw me at one and I actually knocked over three of them. 10 more to go. I swept 4 of them and kicked ,5 of them in the face  one more. I bootganged is fun and shot him. Easy. I looked over at Marcus who was already helping Chance escape. I helped Tessa then helped Lucas.
"Your girlfriend is crazy. She tried to kill me!" I complained to him.
" I with you. Kidnapping your boyfriend isn't very sharp. Especially when he has a twin and a triplet that can kick ass. " I laughed as I kicked apart the chain that was holding him hostage.
"DAMMNN!" Lucas raised his eyebrows at my strength.

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