Snowy Mountainside

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After freeing everyone,  Me and Marcus went to the operation part of the plane. I found a button on the dash that matched the ones on Ivanita and her guards suits. I pressed it and saw Ivanita fly past the window.
"WHAT the hell was that?" Marcus asked laughing a little .
"Idk, but that's was handy." I giggled back. Tessa and Lucas came running into the room along with Chance behind them.
"People," Tessa almost cried. " there are people falling out of the plane! "
"Oh yeah," I said calmly. " that's Ivanita and her guards. " everyone calmed down after I told them that. We were all still in our onesies so Tessa, Chance and Marcus fell asleep. Lucas came into the operation room and sat in between me and Marcus.
"Thanks I," he patted my shoulder. "So where we headed?" I looked around at our below surroundings.
"Um, I don't know but I'll try to get back to the house. Got any service on your phone?" I said. Lucas pulled out his phone.
" this is a nice jet. " he said. Oh,, that's what it was, a jet. He dialed a number and put the phone on speaker and held it at his chin.
"Hello?" It was Jake.
" Ayye Jake what's going down at the house? "
J: eh, nothing.
L: oh
J: where are you guys? You know, you, Iris, Marcus, Tessa and Chance? You guys have been gone for a day now.
L: oh shit I didn't notice. Well we went to stay at a friend's house.
J: how come you didn't bring clothes?
L: well, uh, that's a nother story right there. So um we might come back in a day or two
J: okay see you then
L: bye bro
Lucas hung up and smiled at me. That smile faded though.
"WHAT happened to your head?" Lucas asked touching the side of my forehead. It had a deep scar on it.
"Your girlfriend threw a wrench at me. It's nothing of I can't feel it." It actually hurt like crap now that Lucas touched it . "Please stop." I said waving Lucas hand away. He looked hurt for a second.
"I just wanted to help..."
" Well you're not! " the second the words escaped my mouth, I regretted every single one of them. Lucas stood from the seat.
"Wait Lucas..."
" No! You've said enough. " he walked into the room with luxury. I felt bad for a minute but then became tired. I pressed the autopilot button and fell asleep. Before I actually dozed off, I heard a creak, sputter, then the jet started breaking down. We were going down into something. I didn't want to wake the others. I pulled back the lever and tried to control the system but it was difficult. We were heading into crash landing so I jerked at the lever harder and harsher this time and we landed on the stomach of jet. The part we wanted to land on. I sat back in my seat. Close call. Then I felt the jet going down. Serves me right for landing on the top of a mountain. The jet slid down a hill causing me to accidentally press buttons. Then we stopped. The jet seemed to be in perfect condition. Now to look at the outside. I hopped out of the jet and heard a howl. I got frightened for a minute but I changed my attitude because werewolves aren't real. I looked around the outside of the jet. Perfect condition just like the inside. I heard a grunt and a bush rustle. I grabbed a frigging twig to defend myself 😂.
"Who's there? I've got a stick," I looked at the incredibly scrawny twig. "Twig and I'm not afraid to use it." The Bush rustled and out came a snow bunny. Now that I see the bunny I feel the icy wind hit my face and the wet snow sink into my socks. I stepped back into the jet nd day back into the driver's seat. Marcus was awake.
"Hey sis," he said sitting up.
"Hey." I smiled. He gave me a weak smile.
"What's up bro?" I asked touching his shoulder.
" Promise you won't tell? " Marcus said giving me a cold stare.
"On my life." I said crossing my heart. And my fingers 😉 .
"So, um, you know how me and you are twins. And the guys joke around about me being your husband and stuff." Marcus said.
"Yeah," I said giggling a little.
"Iris," he said. "I think I'm in love with you..."
I woke up from that dream. That was weird. I was about to fly the jet until a blade was pointed at my neck...

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