The Fight

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Today I woke up feeling amazing so I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put this on:

Today I woke up feeling amazing so I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put this on:

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Without all the jewelry)

Without all the jewelry)

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And this over it:

I put my hair like this:

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I put my hair like this:

I put my hair like this:

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And went downstairs. I saw Jake and Tessa at the island talking to the Martinez twins. " Good morning Tessa, Jake. " I greeted.
"Morning Iris, you look mighty fine today!" Jake said. Erika turned from her cooking and slapped him in the back of the head. " WHAT THE HELL BABE!? " Jake whined.
"Your girlfriend doesn't want you to scare Iris away." Tessa laughed. I smiled at all of whatever this was.
" YAEE YAOO! " We heard Lucas singing from the stairs. I went up to him and ruffled his hair.
"What's my favorite brother doing?" I giggled. Lucas ruffled my hair and before he could talk I went off. " DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK FOR ME TO GET THIS DONE? LUCAS DOBRE I SWEAR I'M GONNA-" I didn't finish my sentence before Lucas ran upstairs. I wasn't far behind. I grabbed his ankle and he felt at Marcus' feet.
"Uhh, bro!" Lucas pointed at me clinging on to his ankle. Marcus froze at me because I was shaking my head side to side while mouthing "no".
" WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GUYS DOING? " Marcus yelled out. I could tell he was holding that in. Lucas managed to wriggle out of my grip and he started running again.
"THAT'S NOT FAIR I'M WEARING A DRESS LIKE HELLO?" I screamed after Lucas.  He ignored me so I rolled my eyes and ran after him. As we were running i saw Marcus, Tessa, and Chance behind us. They caught up pretty fast I have to say. As I reached out to grab Lucas' hood I felt like I went down something. I heard shrieking from Tessa. Then I felt a loud bang and my bum hitting the ground.
"Oww, Iris help me!" Lucas said holding onto his knee. I looked at it and it was bleeding. I took off my hoodie and wrapped it around his knee to block the blood.
" Come on you guys, " I said, scared but confidently. "We've gotta get outta here!"

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