Joining Team 10

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After a few weeks of pranking each other in the house, our parents had enough. They actually got so annoyed of us pranking each other so much, that they kicked us out of the house. Today we were packing so we could leave. As I was getting my phone charger Darius walked in. "Hey Dari." I smiled and went back to what I was doing. He was really quiet so I waved my hand in his face. He snapped out of Lala Land and looked at me. "Oh yeah. Um I came in here to tell you that you're going back to Team 10 with the twins." He said looking said. I frowned. I know Team 10 is awesome and all but I wasn't looking forward to leaving Maryland. I mean I knew we had to move but I didn't know we'd be that far away from our parents. "Well what happens to you and Cy?" I asked. He looked at the ground. Then back at me. He opened his mouth to say something but he closed it. Then finally he said something. "Me and Cy will be in an apartment." I slightly nodded my head. Darius walked out and I finished packing. I went into my closet to pick out my outfit for the day.

 I went into my closet to pick out my outfit for the day

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I went downstairs with my luggage and saw no one there. I heard a honking horn from a car. "Come on loser we're going shopping!" Okay sorry I'll leave. "Come on Iris we will miss our fight!" Cyrus yelled at me. I quickly ran to the car with my luggage and off we went to the airport.

After Flight
Me and the twins were just standing in front of the Team 10 house. Blankly. "So um... Do we go in now?" I asked highly confused. The twins just stood there. I don't blame them. I'm not used to this either. I stepped forward but Marcus stopped me. "Wait. Let them come to us." He said. It's kinda actually the first time I've heard him say something without Lucas. Well it feels like it. Before I could argue a whole bunch of people walked out of the house and hugged me and the twins. They were saying things like "Yo Lucas, Marcus how've you been?" and "Is this Iris? Gosh she's grown!" and "Hi I'm..." It was kinda weird to be around all of these people I didn't know. But I had to deal with it. I had to be here with the twins. As we stepped in the house the twins were looking nervous. I was confused though. Don't they know all of Team 10 already? Well since this part is fudging boring I'm just gonna do another time skip so you don't die of boredom so...
Time Skip Brought To You By Luvs
I was laying in my new bed in my new room in my new house in my new city in my new state in... Never mind. I was scrolling through all of my social media. Then I went on YouTube and I was about to cry. I just got 13 million subscribers. I guess my crying was loud because everyone walked in my room. "You okay?" Jake asked me. I nodded my head. He saw tears and everyone started surrounding me. I showed them all my phone and everyone was cheering and yelling. "Shiz this is awesome Iris! You're fudging it up on YouTube! Do you know how awesome I'm talking about?" Chance said. I nodded. Everyone hugged and everything. I was so fudging happy right now. This is the most best shiz that's happened to me today. And this shiz is boring again. Well I guess Luvs doesn't have to bring you another time skip. I looked in my bathroom which was infested with Luvs packets. Well that sucks.

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