Ivanita Did It

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I woke up in a helicopter. Or something like that but it felt like a luxury hotel. A man with a suit and slicked hair walked into the room. "Excusè mê," the man said. " Ze, boss wants to see Luca De Brie. "
"Its Lucas Dobre and why does he want me?" Lucas rolled his eyes at the wrong pronunciation of Dobre.
"Boss she." The man replied. "She remember you in strong way. She wants to reunite your love."
The word love has a ring to it. Not the ring that you save as your ringtone because you love the tune, but the kind of ring that rips your eardrum in half. That ring is something that shreds family, friendship, and life apart. The word love just had that tune, that feeling. I looked at Lucas and he looked at me and let me say this, he was more confused than a zebra in the city.
"To she probably is the one who saved us." I said trying to get this conversation over with. Lucas nodded and went up to the man who lead him behind the curtains and somewhere else. I looked at Tessa. She shrugged.
"This is sending chills up my spine." Chance said worried for Lucas. I could tell because of his shaky breaths. Marcus put his had on my shoulder.
" God please, don't let them hurt him. " he prayed. I put my head on top of Marcus'.
"Amen," I said closing my eyes, trying to sleep. Sleepiness just didn't wash over me. I guess it's a sign that I should stay awake to watch over Marcus . I watched him sleep peacefully and smile on his sleep. Tessa fell asleep on Chance's chest. I smiled at everyone sleeping peacefully. Just as I was about to go to rest myself, Lucas, the man, and this girl came into the room.
"Hi I'm Ivanita Loneli and I'm Lucas' girlfriend!" The girl said. I felt Marcus tense up a little. I rubbed his shoulder to comfort him.
I know how Marcus feels about Lucas having girlfriends. Marcus woke up.
"What's going on?" He said in a raspy voice. Ivanita and Lucas smiled.
"This is my girlfriend-" Lucas began. I interrupted .
"This is Ivanita Loneli, she and Lucas are dating" I said. Marcus narrowed his eyebrows.
"But Lucas-" he began. Lucas stopped him.
"I wont, never again. I promise." Lucas said. I was confused by this conversation but I didn't interfere between them. Ivanita checked her watch.
"Welp, it's time for all of you to sleep. Your pjs are back there." We woke up Tessa and Chance so they could put on their pjs which were Stitch onesies⬆
(At top photo)
Me and Tessa looked like each other and Marcus and Chance felt ridiculous. So did Damian when he put that on lol
Ivanita came back without Lucas. She was wearing a onesie like us and her hair was in a messy bun.
"The seats should be comfortable for you to sleep on. Sweet dreams." She smiled and walked off. Tessa and Chance went back to their sleeping position while me and Marcus went to ours. This time I felt sleepiness wash over me and drown me with weariness. I yawned and looked at Marcus who had already dozed off. I rested my head on his and fell asleep.
I heard a loud bang. I was half asleep when I stood to see what it was. I went to the front of the helicopter or plane, whatever and no one was there. I knew nothing about flying but it was worth a shot. I sat down and put on the headset. I switched a lever and pressed a red button and we were lifted in the air swiftly. I controlled the steering wheel for a minute then felt sleepy. There was an autopilot button so I pressed it a and there we were. Drifting carefully in the sky above the clouds. As I went back to see Marcus sprawled over the seat a realization came over me: we weren't with Team 10. Where was this Ivanita girl planning to take us? I was getting worried as I sat Marcus head on my lap. Tessa was on top of Chance while he was laying down. I chuckled a little but that faded quickly. Then there was a siren noise and red flashing.

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