Jamilton (smoot)

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(Modern AU, cuz I suck at going back in time)

Alexander was pissed. That arrogant, snobbish jerk with the oh so hated name had once again decided to tick him off. He ran into his office and sat down, anger pounding through his head. He hated everything about him, from his stupid voice, to those fancy shoes, to his dark, wild hair and his well built body and his facial features and that stupid purpleish suit jacket he loved to wear all the time. Every single inch of him, he hated at that very moment. He typed angrily at his computer, not even sure what he was writing about half the time. 
There was a knock at his door and Jefferson burst in, that stupid smirk on his face, papers in his hand. 
"You know you're supposed to ask for permission to enter, right?", Alex said as the taller male went straight in front of him, dropping the papers on his desk.
"At least I knocked. Anyway, Washington wanted me to give you this. And as for that bill you wanted me to sign, uh, no."
Alex looked up at him, anger filling him up. 
"Are you being serious Jefferson...?", he said in a cold tone.
"Yep, read it and to be honest, it's outrageous. I mean how in the world do you expect me to accept anything that you wrote?", he asked, nearing the shorter man's face. Alexander began to lose control and tackled down the bigger man. Unfortunately (by the will of author chan) their lips landed on each other forcefully. 

Alex blushed hard, but felt a hand on the back of his head as Thomas deepened the kiss. He didn't know what compelled him, but he began to kiss him back. He felt Thomas separate, and both men looked at each other, completely surprised. 
"J-Jefferson..?", Alex began quietly when Thomas picked him up and set him on the desk. He began to kiss his jawline, down to his collarbone, nibbling him as Alexander let out soft moans. He began palming Alexander, nibbling his ear as his moans began to grow louder. Thomas couldn't dare look Alex in the face, the shorter man's moans were starting to turn him on, he was scared that seeing his face would make him do something bad. He decided to sneak a glance and instantly popped a boner (I always find it so weird when I hear that) at Alex's erotic face. 
He kissed the man gently, then went to lock the door. He went back to Alexander, who was panting a little, and went and pulled down Alexander's pants and boxers so that his boner sprang free. He chuckled a little as he began to stroke Alexander's cock, earning a few groans and pants. Thomas looked up at Alex, then instantly took his whole length in his mouth, a loud moan escaping Alex's lips. He continued to moan, trying his hardest to muffle them for fear of being heard. 
Thomas continued to suck Alexander, not caring if anyone heard them anymore. He felt Alexander twitch and knew he was close. He was about to pull his mouth off when Alex grabbed the back of his head and pushed his head back down as he came, moaning loudly. Thomas was forced to swallow it and pulled his mouth off, wanting to make an angry retort, but smirked at how helpless Alex looked. He could already imagine pounding into him mercilessly... 

They both seemed to realize at the same time what had just happened. They looked away from each other, blushing hard.
"I-I...I'll see you a-around A-Alex...", Thomas said as he walked out, hoping beyond hope that Alex hadn't noticed his raging hard on.

A/N: It's not that bad I guess. I feel strangely relieved to have written this... Welp guess I'm gonna have to make a part two or something... Anyway, next one is Lams

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