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So, it's taken me a while to properly form this. I've taken a long time thinking about it, subconsciously and consciously. I think this is the best decision for me in the end and I'm extremely sorry to those that it affects.

After over three years of writing wattpad stories, meeting wonderful people, and becoming a part of this wonderful community, I have decided to leave wattpad. I'm incredibly sorry. This decision is not an easy one and even now I'm scared to publish this and disappoint some of you. I still enjoy writing but this quickly felt like a job and less of a past time. I have so many memories linked to this wonderful app and I absolutely adore this place with all my heart. But, I think it's time for me to move on.

You may have noticed that my updates on this book have become longer in length and less in quality. I have new responsibilities and interests in my life now and I find it incredible seeing just how far I've made  it. Wattpad will forever be part of my heart and my memories. I used to roleplay with friends on here and I got to express my love for Hamilton and writing on this app.

My life has changed drastically from when I first came here. I was depressed and writing had become my outlet for everything and I was doing my best to get better and I was struggling so much. 2018-2019 was probably the hardest years of all, but also the years that my life finally changed and improved. I met someone incredible, and am so incredibly happy to be celebrating a year and four months together already. My life now consists of my nephew, drawing, school, band, and life in general. I'm finally so incredibly happy with myself but there's always been this part of my life that I haven't been able to let go of. I think it's time now.

I hope you all understand, it's not that I don't love this app, I do. I love it too much. But too many bad memories are linked to this along with the good. I gotta finish up this chapter of my life. I gotta move on.

I am going to complete a final book, one that became popular out of nowhere. I will do my best to complete it by the end of summer. It's called You Again and it's Hamilton related. I am incredibly sorry again, you are all wonderful people that I am super thankful to have met. Thank you for being a part of my story. Thank you for everything.

I hope everyone stays safe and forgives me for this. I love you all. Thank you.

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