Mullette (Floof/kinda smoot)

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A/N: This is basically what Hercules and Lafayette would do in their spare time together in my high school au book.

Hercules gave Lafayette a loving smirk.
"Mon amour, what are you planning...?", Lafayette said, holding his ice cream. Hercules had gotten a popsicle.
"Oh nothing..", he said mischievously. Lafayette shrugged and went back to his ice cream.

Soon enough he finished it, then turned to see that Hercules was slowly licking his. He looked up at Laf with the same smirk. Lafayette again shrugged it off. Hercules started sucking on it, but only the tip for some strange reason. He slowly took more and more of the popsicle until he suddenly shoved the entire thing in his mouth. Lafayette started blushing as Hercules let out a little moan, seeing his boyfriend look up at him with a seductive grin.


Hercules laughed and let some of it dribble down his chin.
Lafayette smirked and pushed Hercules against the wall, starting to lick up the ice cream.

"You're so messy, mon amour..", he said with a seductive glance at his now blushing lover.
"We could continue...", Herc said coyly.
"I'll meet you in the bedroom in two minutes", Lafayette said with a giggle and Hercules went off obediently.

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