Madilton (Smoot)

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(Credit to AnimaticalLucinda for the idea)

Philip Schuyler was without a doubt, one of the richest men in New York. So rich, that he decided to organize a ball for everyone. Specifically, a masquerade ball. Mostly so his daughters could find suitable husbands, but for many, that wasn't the case.

James Madison walked in, Thomas Jefferson by his side, both wearing masks. Thomas thought of himself too highly to miss something like this so he dragged James along, being his best friend.

"Seriously Thomas? What's the point of coming to some masquerade ball? It's not as if the sisters will even think of talking to us..", James said, annoyed at Thomas.

"That's not the point James! We're considered high class to come this ball."

"Didn't Philip Schuyler organize this for everyone in New York."

"Uhh...Hey look isn't that Washington?!" Thomas disappeared into the throng of people, leaving Madison to himself. He groaned and went toward the drinks. Maybe this stupid ball would go faster if he drank, he wasn't sure but as he reached for a drink, a hand fell over his. He looked up to see another man in a mask, obviously giving him a curious look. He had dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, and a military uniform. Who the hell is this cutie, Madison thought to himself.

"U-Uh...hi there sir", Military Boy said with a smile. Madison blushed and before he knew what the hell he had said, he frantically said, "Dance with me please!" The man looked startled but smiled. He took Madison's hand, placed the other on his waist and they began to dance. Madison couldn't help but notice the man's eyes through his mask. Intelligent eyes, in a hunger pain frame, jeez was he sounding too girly?! Who was this man?! How was he making him feel all these things simultaneously?! Shouldn't it be a woman who makes him feel like this?! Then again, he'd always been bisexual so...

Soon enough, after quite a few drinks from the two men, Military Boy led toward a small room, and locked the door, taking off his jacket

"You know cutie...", he began. "I never caught your name.."

After all the drinks this man had had, Madison doubted he'd remember it but told him anyway.

"James Madison...what about yours..?", he asked, having taken off his jacket as well.

"Alexander Hamilton..but right now, that doesn't matter", Hamilton said, a drunken lust apparent on his face as he took of his mask and began to forcefully kiss James. This was so wrong, yet it felt so good! James kissed Alex back, feeling the man's hands traveling up and down his body, slowly arousing him. Before he knew it, both men were naked, Alexander's arousal and his clearly visible. Alexander turned him around and before James could do a thing, he shoved himself into Madison, making the smaller man shout out in pain. It seemed that Alexander didn't care, for he began to thrust roughly into Madison. The man's moans soon enough mingled with James'.

"J-James holy sh-shit~", Alex moaned, his thrusts already becoming faster and sloppier. James himself was already feeling closer to his climax.

Slowly they became faster and the moans louder and then they both came. James panted and trembled in ecstasy, everything becoming dark..

"Thomas we are engaged in a battle from our nation's very soul. Can you get us out of the mess we're in?", James said, looking Thomas dead in the eye. Hamilton came and James winked at him, earning a slight blush from the man. They had been together for a long time now, and no one would ever know their secrets..

A/N: So this is shit. Anyways, more ships pls. 

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