
61 13 0

Honestly I'm hurting inside.
All I've ever craved was the blessing of my parents pride.
An impossible task I never achieved because of that day my sister was conceived.
She was a star from day one I heard my parents talk,
How they brag that she learnt to run before she could walk.

Now all they ever see in her is the reflection of an angel.
Me however, they decided was the devil.
No wrong my sister could do in their eyes.
They watched her and I watched their hearts fill with pride.

But when they look at me, I see the dread.
A small honest conversation and you'll know I was a regret.

So I remain quiet and stay out their way.
Because I know any opinion from me could ruin their day.
I remain locked up in my room fighting to keep tears at bay.
Reminding myself that I will be okay.

So I remain proud of my sister and her points she's scored.
From sports star to A plus student on the honours board.
I smile and nod and stay out the way,
Fighting to keep my average tears at bay.

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